Are We Still Best Friends?

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Life has always come up with different, Wedgwood experience, problems and solutions.
Hey! I am Alex and I want to share my little story with you all. The story starts at my initial days of my college Where I enter gang and found my people, days we’re going pretty good then there comes my birthday so I Am the first one from my group. My friends started wishing for my birthday.

In that moment , I saw samyukta for the first time and of course her friends too. She was damn pretty awesome, i don’t know how we connected soon we started texting and calling, got so close to each other in no time. Our taste were different, and we both were quite opposite in nature.

we used to tease each other, had a long conversation over night, used to share memories, past and present almost everything so I realised it time to give it a tag BEST FRIENDS.

Soon then we started teasing other, introduced each other to our families as best of best friends and were having best time in our life soon then some issues rouse over and yelled at her as I was little short-tempered but she got habituated with my sweet little anger. I yelled at her for no reason but I was an introvert so I Can’t mingle up with people soon so maybe I don’t have to hide anything from her was the reason maybe; I don’t know but all my friends know that I Am not an introvert in front of her.

Time flowed so fast with her that we were done with our first year and came into second year.
In the second year some random self made rumour came up all over the class that me and samyukta were in relationship, when we heard it we started laughing as we knew it all was trash so we didn’t care.

As time flew by our issues piled up and took over into huge issue but soon reha( one of my gang mates) helped us and made clear our issues and soon the things went back to normal routine, started eating what we wanted, spend more time with each other after college, long walks as neither of us had a vehicle and she used to share her past relationship she had with a so called chintu in her school days.

Here comes my birthday again, and we had to decide a venue for the birthday party as this time there were more people involved in it(I mean more friends) so in this time i got close to reha ( no feelings for her) as samyukta was a little busy with her some work.
I didn’t know that she felt lonely and left out but she never used to share it with me, soon unexpected thing happened in my life, I threw a party without my BEST FRIEND.

Later i understood her pain and I promised her that “I won’t leave you”.
Days passed ,exams came over eventually we got busy in that .

As we all got busy in our stuff,i got feelings for my best friends out of no where, i was dealing with those feeling alone as i was confused,but one fine day when we all went for outing i proposed her as she was looking damn pretty and i couldn’t resist myself taking my eyes off her and her smile, it was just beautiful and
she said YES!
It was the best of best moments in my life, from here things went crazy, we started bunking classes,went for movie dates,long drives(took a car on rent) things were in next level, but sad part was our graduation was done and from here things went little different as everyone was busy to make their life outside so called college life, some over chasing jobs , some for higher education, but soon she started ignoring me as i got admission in aboard for higher education and got job over, i made a big mistake that’s why she was doing so maybe, i wasn’t sure.

I stopped receiving calls, replys for my messages and i thought she has moved on maybe. I couldn’t take all those beautiful memories and all her from my head,so it eventually lead me into depression.

It’s pretty hard to fight as no one knows what you are dealing with but i had praveen(one of my friends) to share but he used to be like leave it, happens in life, just chill. But he really doesn’t know how we were in back those days.

I used to call her, text her but she used to ignore all of it. so i decided to give her space maybe that what she needs right now but i expect one day she will back to me.


So let’s make each and every moment in life happy as we need to respect and give importance to other decisions as we are no one to decide what they have to do in their lifes.

Miss you .

I am always here for you
a shoulder to cry on, a punching bag for stress relief, a teddy bear and panda for happy moments, i will be all you want.

Just be with me again? please!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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