Ignoring Him

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The next day came along and Shinobu felt like she is sick. She hasn't really gotten that much sleep due to her wondering a lot about what he did yesterday. Did he mean it? Her heartbeat also felt so familiar for some reason. Sighing and laying flat on her back, she stared up at the ceiling. It was currently 7 am and Mitsuri-san keeps ranting on about their activities she planned for the day while Muichiro still went on sleeping away. This is the day they'll spend time with at the beach, grill some food and surfing. The jet skiing is planned for tomorrow. "And then the food will be filled with lots of sauce! I love mustard a lot!" Mitsuri cheered yet again as she tied her hair in a ponytail. Shinobu sat up and turned her head to see her and blinked. "Mitsuri-san, we'll be spending the whole day at the beach right?" Shinobu asked. "Yes! Uzui-san will cook, the rest will either play random things like sand castle building, surfing and volleyball. I'm sure even Muichiro-kun will play at some point," Mitsuri says and giggled. "Of course I'll play, I plan to see how much I've improved against you all," he replied, waking up and rubbing his eyes. Shinobu sweatdropped, Muichiro-kun can listen attentively while sleeping?

Shinobu stood up and stretched. She doesn't feel like seeing Tomioka for the day, not after what happened last night. She knows she'll probably act differently while being around him. And she didn't wanna be weirding anyone out today. "Both of you prepare! We have a long day ahead of us!" Mitsuri cheered while fixing her lipstick. "Yeah, a long day indeed," Shinobu muttered and rummaged through her things. "I'll go ahead and change first, can I?" Muichiro asked the two women and they both nodded. Mitsuri was already ready anyway. (Just imagine Mitsuri in a two-piece lmao)

Muichiro got off the bed and walked over to his bag and grabbed his plain white shirt and swimming knee-length shorts. Grabbed a towel and his toothbrush then entered the bathroom. Shinobu say back down on her bed and sighed. "Shinobu-san, are you alright?" Mitsuri asked and turned her head to look at her. Shinobu hummed in response as she looked to Mitsuri as well. "Yes I'm fine, why do you ask?" Shinobu replied with a smile. "Well, nothing much. I just noticed you are unusually silent and you look down a lot. Did anything happen?" Mitsuri asked. "Oh I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Shinobu replied and reassured her with a smile. Mitsuri nodded then stood up. "I'll go ahead then okay? Just look for us under the palm trees! Bye!" Mitsuri stated as she closed the door and went off. Shinobu sighed and thought back to last night again. Normally she wouldn't bother showing skin but she now feels shy because he is there. For some reason she feels conscious about her looks now. A few minutes passed and Muichiro came out with a towel around his hair and he changed into his clothes. "Mitsuri-san went ahead?" He asked. "Oh yes, she said we'll see her with the group under the palm trees," Shinobu replied. "Oh well, I'll go ahead then as well. You'll be fine coming by yourself or not?" Muichiro stated. "Oh I'll be fine. I'll see you all in a bit then!" She cheered and Muichiro nodded before leaving the room. She is now alone inside and she purses her lips. Tomioka is the type who won't care about anyone's body right? Shinobu slapped her cheeks lightly and pumped herself up. "He won't care right?! Then I'm gonna face him today! I'm not scared or shy right?! Right!" She told herself then grabbed her bikini and the skirt. Entering the bathroom and took a bath, dried herself then wore her black two-piece bikini. And tied a long cloth around her waist to act as the skirt, it reached down to her knees and only showed the side of her left thigh. Putting on sun block then walked out of the room, she made her way towards the beach. Apparently she felt hungry so she went ahead to the buffet. There weren't much people since most of them probably woke up early. Grabbing a plate, she went to select her food. As she reached for a spoon she saw another hand reach for it. "Oh, you're finally out," a familiar voice called out. Shinobu looked up and her face immediately turned bright red. "Ah! Tomioka-san, what are you doing here?!" She exclaimed. "I'm here to get some food. The rest are probably setting up the spot by now. They woke up early for this," he replied and proceeded to get himself a spoon. Shinobu pursed her lips then grabbed a spoon as well. "Wanna join me?" He asked as he pointed to a table. Shinobu smiled and nodded to hide her nervousness. Tomioka was also wearing a plain white shirt and his blue swimming knee-length shorts. The both of them walked over to a table for two and proceeded to eat. The whole time, Shinobu stared at anything but him, she stared at the ceiling, the plants outside, people passing by and her food. She just doesn't know what to even say. Tomioka silently ate his food with no problem at all, he would glance at her but she would just look away with a light blush. It just made him confused but shook it off nonetheless.

After the breakfast, the both of them are walking through the rocky pathway towards the beach in silence. Shinobu looking anywhere again and would look down sometimes. Tomioka just found it weird, she was fine the other day, and her face is unusually red all the time. "Are you sick?" He asked nonchalantly. "Ah! No!" She exclaimed in surprise and Tomioka was startled but regained his composure quickly. He just hummed in response then looked back ahead. Shinobu looked down again and continued to walk in silence. An hour or so passed until they finally spotted the group under the palm trees with bunches of other people in between. "Guys! Over here!" Mitsuri cheered as she waved her hand in the air. The two fastened their pace and arrived. "Hope you two have space for later, we're having burgers!" Tengen cheered as he flipped a patty. "Hey let's play some volleyball!" Rengoku cheered as he held up a ball in the air. "Yeah let's fucking destroy those retards!" Sanemi agreed as he pointed to the other team of people by the sandy court. "I'll join!" Muichiro added as the three of them proceeded towards the court. "I guess I'll be joining," Tomioka stated and went after the three. "Don't mind me, I'll only be reading for a while," Gyomei says and returned his gaze back to the book. Mitsuri just went over to Iguro and asked him to put some sunblock on her back. He of course blushed but nonetheless nodded.

Nevermind the couple, Shinobu looked around for anything to do really. She didn't get her phone so she doesn't know what to do. Also she realizes that her back doesn't have any lotion but she doesn't feel like asking Iguro to help. Maybe Mitsuri can help once they're done. Going to a blanket spread on the sand, she sat down and watched. What the hell can she do right now? All she did is sigh and watched everyone do their own thing.

A few minutes passed and she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning her head around she sees Mitsuri-san. "Hey there, how come you're not doing anything?" She asked and sat down beside her. Shinobu shrugged then sighed. "I don't know," she replied. "Hm... Wanna accompany me to the shake stands then?" She asked and stood up. There was nothing to do but she does feel like having something to drink. Standing up after Mitsuri she nodded and the two of them made their way there. Along the way they just chatted and laughed while walking. This is why Shinobu likes having friends. They arrived and took their seats by the counter since the seats are stools. "One strawberry milkshake please!" Mitsuri cheered and the employee nodded then turned his head to Shinobu. "How about you ma'am?" He asked with a smile. "I'll have chocolate milkshake," Shinobu replied. He nodded then began to make their milkshakes. "Hey Shinobu-san, that guy over there is walking towards here," Mitsuri says in a whisper as she nudged Shinobu's arm. Turning their heads, they see a tall man with blonde hair, quite spiky and long, he was wearing a floral shirt that wasn't buttoned, showing his abs and his knee-length blue shorts. He smiled to the two and says, "Hello there ladies." "Hey there!" Mitsuri cheered with a smile and nudged Shinobu to say something too. The guy was cute of course but both of them weren't really interested.

"Hey there," Shinobu waved and turned back around. Just on cue, the guy had their drinks ready and Shinobu paid for both of them then dragged Mitsuri with her out of there. The guy just stared in confusion as they walked away but he sighed and ordered his milkshake. Mitsuri realises that Shinobu isn't the type to like guys around. Yet she wouldn't bother to push her further. They both walked back while drinking their milkshakes until they arrived.

"Burgers are ready! Come over and have some!" Tengen called out and Mitsuri cheered then rushed over. She loved his cooking and Tengen made a whole lot since Mitsuri eats like a pig. Shinobu sighed at her antics but walked over nonetheless. The boys came back over, feeling good about winning the match of volleyball. Shinobu then again avoided Tomioka's gaze when he glanced at her. She grabbed a burger then proceeded to her spot earlier with Mitsuri-san.

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