'You teach us and we dont get hurt in the process'She said waiting for me to finish this and I continued

'Or we learn it by ourselves and we probably get hurt or die'I said smiling and Remus had a terrified face as me and Eve high fived.

After two hours thinking Remus finally answered not amused.

'Alright we will start the lessons today,5 pm sharp'He said and we both celebrated

'You're the best Moony'we said and Remus gave us an eye roll.


'We will start the process this week in full moon'Moony said writing in a black board 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus'.

'You will learn 7 steps needed to become an Animagus'He said sitting at the edge of the table while I and Evelyn were both sitting in two old and full of dusk desks,all ears.

'The first step is trying to learn as much as possible in Transfiguration and of course Potions'He said knowing how much we hate potions.

'We have miss perfect in potions here'Evelyn teased

'Hun im perfect in every aspect'I said laughing and shaking my hand doing a 'Z snap' if we could call it that.

'Im not repeating these again okay!'He said and we both started listening again.

'The second step may be a little hard but it is what you're going to start doing this Monday in full moon!'He said and went to get a small bag and took out two leaves.

'This is a Mandrake leaf'He said gaving each of us one.'You will carry this leaf for a month in your mouth'

'That's disgusting and impossible'I said and Evelyn agreed while Remus ignored us continuing.

'After an exact month you will find a small crystal phial that does receive moon rays and put the Mandrake leaf in it'He said drawing the whole thing in the black board.

'This next step is a bit complicated'He said and We were ready to keep notes.

'So for 7 days you will add a silver spoon of dew from a place that that neither sunlight nor human has ever touched.Then also add chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth to the crystal phial as well.Then put all this in a quiet,dark place.'We kept writing fast so we wouldnt miss anything.

'After leaving what you made alone you will wait for an electrical storm to hit and when that happens you will put the tip of your wand over your heart'He said drawing a lightning bolt.

'And then you will quickly go to the place you put the mix in the first place where if everything was done right,you'll see a blood-red potion inside it'He said moving in the other side of the board where he wrote for the first time.

'While still placing the wand tip over your heart you'll say the incantation: "Amato Animo Animato Animagus"' he said while circling the exact words in the board.

'Finally you will transform into an animagus, and that will be the end of the lesson'After the words being said both I and Evelyn started clapping in amusement.

'Know you will try the Mandrake leaf part and then we will talk again about this'He said leaving the room while we were both so excited for this.


'It's finally time'Evelyn said and I was hyped.

It was now full moon and we were both outside with the invisibility cloak over us.After keeping the leaves for a month we went straight to the Whomping Willow which was fortunately 'asleep'.

With Moony's help we had all the stuff needed so we followed all the instructions when we hear a howl.

'Remus is for sure not helping right now'Evelyn said giving a small laugh

After being done we grabbed the cloack ready to get back to the castle when we hear a noise behind the trees.

'Dang it!I think someone saw us'

'I hope it is a someone'I said worried when a black dog appears from the bushes.

'Is that the grim or Sirius Black haunting us?'Evelyn said making some steps back

'No way'I muttered while the black dog disappeared in the forest leaving us there.

'Run we have to follow him'Evelyn said and I followed her but a voice stopped us immediately.

'Not so fast girls'Hagrid had just appeared looking rather angry or worried.

'What d'ya think yer doin' here with Black around'He said and didn't even listen to us while following us all the way to the castle and after making sure we were safe he went to his hut leaving us alone with Professor Mcgonagall who didn't receive the news really well and that costed us a week of detention where again at nights we kept the routine going for the mixture.

But we were still thinking about what we saw that night.Why didn't Sirius Black kill Evelyn in the first place?Why did he leave and not try to get to Harry?If he was there that night he had been near us for more than we knew.Maybe Evelyn was right and we really had to figure this out...

Animagi Lessons::.


Estella Black (Sirius Black's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now