Chapter 1

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"Maybe if we didn't have you, dad would have enough money for the medicine" – it's Yuichiro, scolding and blaming Tsukiya for the death of his parents again.

"But they were parents to him too, Yui", - Muichiro, bless his kind heart, stands up for the adopted boy, giving his brother harsh and judging look. Older twin doesn't budge, rolling his brilliant ocean eyes and replying: "It's not like he was their real son. Or our real brother either".

While Muichiro attacks his brother for being so heartless and rude Tsukiya doesn't reply or get angry at him, while small, yet persistent voice at the back of his head wholeheartedly agrees with the Tokito's accusations. Instead, he continues chopping logs and tries to do his best to appear unfazed and hold out small tears.

In the following spring Yuichiro grew cold and distant, especially towards his adopted brother. Their relationship quickly deteriorated as the older twin started to take out all his grief and frustration on the other boy. Tsukiya rarely defended against Tokito's attacks, as some part of him believed in the cruel words too.

Why have their life turned so bad? It seems just yesterday, they were happy children playing in the Sun and helping their parents. Yuichiro didn't care about his origin back then, just as Muichiro didn't cry so much from the loss of both parents and Tsukiya haven't felt as some useless burden. Was it really Tsukiya's fault? Would Aoi have enough money for Hima if he didn't exist?

"Stop it, crybaby! They weren't your parents!" - Tsukiya have only noticed that coming tears have finally spilled, as they started to fall on the chopping block. He threw the axe away from his hands and started to run away from the Yuichiro.

"Wait, Tsukiya, I am sure he didn't mean it!" – He cupped both of his ears to block out Mui's voice from his head and continued to run deeper in the woods. Tsukiya knew that none of the two will follow him as they lacked his enhanced senses and thus couldn't navigate in the forest as easily as he did.

He walked and walked until he stumbled upon the small meadow, full of flowers and a tall wild apple tree. He eyed it as he sat in the grass and thought of returning to the twins. Even though, he felt partially guilty about the events that played out earlier, he didn't want to hear Yuichiro berating him again and again. Despite Tokito's harsh words, he also knew that Mui must be worried for him even if he was stronger and faster than both of the twins.

Tsukiya felt guiltier with each passing second, thinking about disappearing into the woods without any proper explanations and leaving his brothers with extra work. A part of him told him to come back immediately and apologize for his emotional leave, but he suppressed it – he didn't want to apologize to Yuichiro.

Right, he would ask forgiveness only from Mui and – his eyes focused at the wild apple tree – offer some apples as a gift of apology. Now, he would just spend some time here, until he calmed down, climb a tree for its fruits and head back home.


Yuichiro looked at the darkening woods, as he nervously chewed on his lips. He did it again – acted like the idiot and said bunch of mean stuff to Tsukiya. He didn't mean all of the things he said, but after the death of his parents he found that he couldn't control his negative emotions.

There was a lump in his throat.

He started to lash out on Muichiro and Tsukiya, who were already grieving, like he was the only one out of three who lost parents. Logically, he knew that they had it as bad as him, but there was an awful part of him, that was saying the worst things possible, without even thinking. He felt so stupid and disgusting and useless.

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