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•Almost like a mother-figure to Manny.
•Most clever of the group.
•Often tries to keep Roi away from Manny.
•Has a private relationship with Harry.
•Gets anxious very easily.
•Cooks the food, keeps the house together, and most importantly makes sure everyone apologies after an argument.
•Stay-at-home worker.
•Likes striped socks.
•Wears eyeglasses while reading.
•Age range would be 25-30 y/o.
•Can be very needy.
•Often cranky.
Enjoys fashion/style.

•REALLY likes chicken.
•Stressed out a lot.
•Encourages Manny to join the army when he gets older.
•Yells when angry.
•Hates cursing- thinks it's unprofessional.
(more to be added in the future)

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