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"Holy shit!"  Setsuna yelled, clearly confused by the situation.  I understood how she felt.  Enjo could have died, after all.  "Is she fucking stupid?"  She screamed.  It was part of her nature to be loud and wear her emotions on her sleeve, so it didn't surprise me.  I was scared, too.  Of losing Enjo.  She was one of the most accepting people I knew, and made up approximately 50% of my friends.

"(L/N)!"  I yelled.  "What's your Quirk?"  I yelled over the commotion.  My Quirk, having earphone jacks hanging off my earlobes wasn't exactly very useful for the situation, and neither was Setsuna's.  He looked over at me and his facial expression was nearly indescribable.  I didn't know that a human face could show so any emotions at once.

It was a strange mix of fear, confusion, concern, and various others that I couldn't name no matter how hard I tried.  "Someone has to do something!"  I yelled, angry that he was being so non-communicative.  He turned his head back to the scene happening in front of us, and did something incredibly stupid.  He charged, too.

Funny thing was, he wasn't running. He was fucking sliding as if he were roller skating or ice skating.  It was such a strange sight.  He continued charging, gaining insane amounts of speed, eventually, reach near the gunk monster.  He was near it's side, so he managed to make an incredibly sharp turn my leaning onto his side and putting his palm on the ground and turning the same way someone would if they were skiing, but instead of a pole, it was his arm.

His erratic movements seemed to confuse it, as he grabbed someone's wrist, pulling them out of the green mass that was the villain.  It turned out to be Bakugo, as (L/N) threw him to the side.  What kind of Quirk did this guy have?  He began rushing at the monster again, grabbing another wrist, but this time it was Midoriya.  He threw him to the side as he did with Bakugo, stepping pretty far back to catch a breath.

Everyone was watching.  I think there was yelling but to be honest, I couldn't tell.  It was clear that since Enjo was the only one left still being held captive by the slime monster, it would be much more defensive.  (L/N) seemed to learn this pretty quickly, too, since the rest of his attempts to help Enjo failed.  His face was paler and redder than usual, making it look like he was sick and physically tired.

This fatigue showed when he rushed in again, only to get knocked out of the way by a well placed hit to the gut from the slime monster, sending him back into the crowd, as he landed in a very uncomfortable-looking position, and most likely had a broken bone.  Everyone was freaking out over what to do, myself included.

Me and Setsuna ran over to him, since he was now in the middle of the crowd, because he was knocked back to far.  "(L/N)! Are you ok?!" I yelled, not wanting to touch him in fear of worsening an injury.  He stared at the sky, gasping for air frantically.

He pushed himself up, wobbling around once he was back on his feet, rubbing his eyes and looking back at the scene.  The mass of green goo seemed to be in a defensive position, clearly trying to wear (L/N) out, which was clearly working.

He slid towards it in one final attempt, before falling flat on his face and not getting up.

The monster began cackling, as if amused by (L/N)'s pain.  "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"  It yelled.  "THATS THE BEST YOU CAN DO?  GOD AREN'T YOU A WASTE OF SPACE!"  It began to run (walk? slide?) towards a small opening in the crowd, trying to escape.  "I WAS DECIDING WHICH ONE TO MAKE MY VESSEL, SO THANKS FOR MAKING IT EASIER, KID!"

It continued zooming towards the gap in the crowd, until a tall, muscular figure fell from the sky in front of it.  This figure was All Might. All Might reached out to the monster with one hand, and in the blink of an eye, grabbed Enjo and took her to our side.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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