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"Kurama talking"

"Kurama thinking"

Dark, shadowed, sapphire blue eyes that were once the color of the sky gazed across the barren landscape as fires raged—the sharp smell of life being burned filled the owner's nostrils. It was all gone, his people he fought to gain acknowledgement from, friends, family, comrades. Konoha burned as black smoke filled the sky, reflecting the darkness that filled the eyes of the young 26-year-old shinobi.

Naruto clutched his bleeding side—his most prominent wound, though there were many others, this was most definitely a punctured lung—as he kneeled and shifted his gaze to the mangled body that lay beneath him. The body of his brother in all but blood.

"It's gone. Everything...everyone I cared for...I..." Naruto whispered hopelessly as he stared at the lifeless raven eyes of his best friend. His gaze shifted to the disfigured and bloody form that lay 50 meters to the right. Just the sight of him, although as dead as he was, made him see red.

"Madara...I'll meet you in hell so I can witness your eternal torture."

Naruto grunted as a new wave of pain made itself known. His breathing ragged and shallow as he coughed and hacked up blood. "Damn I may have killed Madara but I'm not far behind...heh, guess I'll be joining you soon, Sasuke, Sakura."

"I hope you're not doing what I think you're doing kit."

"Kurama" Naruto thought quietly as he heard the voice of beast turned friend in his mind. Kurama and Naruto had grown quite close during the past nine years of war. Kurama may insult the blonde from time to time—quite frequently actually—but he thought of Naruto as his family, his light, his son. Though he would never say it out loud.

"There isn't anything left. Nothing or no one to live for...though I'll give you your—

"NO! Just who do you think you are dying like this!" Kurama cut Naruto off with a gruff and aggressive voice.

"Need not worry my friend...I tweaked the seal to give you your freedom once I's only a short matter of time now." Naruto thought softly and calmly to his friend despite the great kitsune's thunderous voice in his mind.

"Kit...this is what you want? To simply fade from this world after everything you've endured? You are the Rokudaime Hokage of Konohagakure, Uzumaki Naruto! Surely you can find a more dignified existence!" Kurama yelled in anger.

"Was... I was the Rokudaime. Konoha is no more and by proxy neither is the Hokage." Naruto weakly thought as his vision darkened from blood loss.

"Arigato...Kurama..." Naruto thought as he drifted into unconsciousness.

"I won't allow it kit...not like this. Forgive me Father...I know you said to never use this jutsu...but it's a necessary evil...for the different future of this world." Kurama thought deeply.

"This jutsu will take nearly all of my chakra no doubt. Kit I may not be awake when you rise in a different time, but I will still be with you." Kurama thought even though Naruto was unconscious.

In a puff of smoke Kurama appeared at Naruto's side in his human form on the burning battlefield. He was tall and lean with muscles and red spiked hair that cascaded down his back. Dressed in a red battle kimono, Kurama focused his blood-red slitted eyes on the form of the one he saw as his own kin.

Kurama's appearance outside of the seal was something Naruto had devised after the first year of war. He had tweaked the seal so that Kurama could be outside, though a part of his soul would always reside within Naruto. By this time Naruto, had already become a seal master, surpassing his Jiraiya-sensei and both his parents in the art of fuinjutsu.

Quickly drawing out the large sealing array using the copious amounts of his container's lost blood, Kurama sat in the middle blank space along with the unconscious Naruto.

Going through a whirlwind of fifty-some hand seals at breakneck speed, Kurama poured nearly all of his chakra into the jutsu as the sealing array glowed golden.

"Taimu toraberu no jutsu!" Kurama yelled in a deep rumbling voice, and in a flash, both disappeared from the desolate battlefield.

A/N: What do you think? This is my first fanfic ever and I know it's a bit of the cliché "Naruto goes back in time after the end of the world thing" but I've always liked the time travel fanfics; however most of them are on hiatus so its super disappointing! With this whole covid-19 thing I figure I could make use of my time in quarantine and write something worthwhile! Btw this will be kakanaru with *cough* lemon *cough*. I'll be writing a lot in my free time which I will have a lot of because of quarantine, so expect quick updates until further announcements. Also, feel free to leave constructive criticism!


Taimu toraberu no jutsu--time travel jutsu (google translate)

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