do tags even exist anymore?

19 2 16

JustAnotherWiseGirl7 tagged me sooo imma do it

I haven't done a tag in so longgg

Do it in less than 3 days:
- idk how long this is gonna take but probably not 3 days

Say 10 things about yourself:
- I'm a Sagi
- I live for vines (legit you could make a reference and I shall finish the sentence for you)
- My favorite colors are blue and purple
- I like reading
- I wanted to finish my reading list soon but I've been procrastinating from that too and now I feel guilty
- I live for Drarry (obviously)
- I uhh,, I wear a hoodie like everyday
- (This is difficult) I uhHh I hate online school
- My life revolves around the fandoms I'm part of
- All my ships are gay lol

ack okay we taggin
it said tag 5 people right? right.

I put a title before so like yeah

Tell A Joke:

- Why did the chicken cross the road?

- To commit tax fraud.

Write a spoiler for 1 of your stories:

umm spoiler for my one-shot "Obliviate," at the end Draco says this:

"I'm still going to call you 'Potter.' I have to take advantage of your last name before I change it, of course."

and I was like really proud of myself for coming up with that lol

anddd the rules are in the picture

pHew that was some work–

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