Chapter Thirty Three

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"You shouldn't be doing this, Narcissa." Snape's cold voice rang through the walls of the secluded area of his house. It was lined with books, a double seater couch made of an itchy red material, one large desk in the centre and a royal red armchair opposite a fireplace.
“I know I shouldn’t be here; the Dark Lord specifically forbade me to talk about it-"
“If he has forbidden you to speak about it, then it is in your best wishes to keep your mouth closed.” Although he didn’t look away from Narcissa, he talks to Bellatrix who was ‘minding her own business’, “Put it down Bella, we must not touch what isn’t ours.” His ‘R's rolled like usual. She was fiddling with an orb on his mantel piece.

“We cannot trust him Cissa!” Bellatrix shrieked.

"It is the right thing to do, Severus! She isn't even legal in our world!" She hissed back, taking a step to the side revealing a girl. She had bright brown eyes, vivid, flaming red hair and freckles covering the bridge of her nose and parts of her cheeks. "The Dark Lord will not change his mind about this and it is wrong! I will not stand aside and let another child's life be ruined, I will not make the same mistake twice!" Dangerously low, she told Severus who didn't argue back.

"I won't help you with the ceremony. However, I shall keep it secret."
"You won't." She replied immediately. The girl took a seat on the couch when Narcissa motioned for her to. "You'll tell the Order. Oh, don't try and act your way out of it, I know you're on their side because of your precious Lily. You can hide it from those who don't have a heart, but not me."
"Well then, how do you suppose you will get through this then?"
"You will take the Unbreakable Vow, that you will keep this a secret, and if need be, you will help."
"And if I don't?"
"Then your position in The Order and The Dark Lords Inner Circle will be compromised. All I have to do is show them a memory strand." Nowhere left to turn, Snape agreed to taking the Unbreakable Vow.

Narcissa waved her wand in a swaying motion, slow and steady. “Do you promise to never speak of this meeting?” Snape and Narcissa held the others forearm.
“I do.”
Do you swear to help us in the task if need be?” This time, Snape took longer to answer. Draco will be ruined, then Snape's mind wondered to how he could get through this. Potter, Parkinson, Granger, Zabini, even Black and Lupin would help him. He could get through it over time. “I do.” A thin tongue of brilliant flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands like a red-hot wire. Narcissa looked to Bella, who thought of a final one, “You promise that, if she is unable to fulfil the task given by the Dark Lord, you will do it yourself?” Again, he was hesitant.
“I do.” Gracefully, it died out, retreating into the thick, dusty air of the secluded space.

“Are you ready?” Sweetly, Narcissa asked the girl, her eyes hadn’t moved from staring at her hands. “Cissa, you are interfering with The Dark Lords plan!”
“No, I am not. He has no use for me, and the reason he is doing this is to punish the Weasley family, my son- your godson- and Harry Potter himself. She is never going to be able to do it! I am helping her in this task! That the Dark Lord wants fulfilling!” Bella shrunk, quickly exiting the house, mentioning the fact she will never speak on it, because they are sisters.

“Are you ready?” she asked again. With a small nod, Narcissa brought the girl into a small embrace, “It’s going to be ok. You do not have to do this; I will be in control when the time is right.” She rubbed circles on the girls back before pulling her up to a standing position.

From the small bag Narcissa brought in, she picked out the enchanted knife handing it to the girl. Careful not to cut at a vein, she sliced her right hand giving Narcissa back the knife for her to do the same. “animam meam, corpus corpus efficimur unum.” She did a complicated motion with her wand while the two connected their hands, blood mixing like the early eighteen hundred blood packs. “Hyberithia.” The blood flew up to the sky, circling the two. It turned a darker crimson, almost black. It shot to Narcissa, entering at her chest. Gradually, the whirlwind of blood extended to join Ginny in the same place on her chest. Nothing. It came to a halt with Narcissa’s body collapsing to the floor. One hand loosely held her wand while the other limply stretched out almost holding the table leg. “D-Did it work?” The girl timidly asked.
“Yes... yes I believe it did...” A ghostly figure of Narcissa Malfoy appeared to the girls right. Curiously, Narcissa went to touch the brown eyed girl’s arm- she was sucked into the body. Then she went back out, back in, took control of the body. “I believe the ritual worked perfectly.” Narcissa said through the girl’s body.

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