26- Horn Hill (II)

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The walk to their chambers passed in quiet, except for the frequent pleasantries the people offered to them. Northmen spoke fond titles; Dothraki pounded their chests and shouted gladly, and Unsullied rapped their spears.

The King and Queen greeted them in turn, no less fondly; but to teach other, they hardly spoke as they marched dutifully to the Lord's Chambers, past the door-guards, and shut the door behind.

Jon had meant to delay a bit longer, if he could, but Daenerys went straight to the bedside drawer and reached deep into the back, where she kept her Quarthian lockbox. The thick steel frame was lacquered with shining colors, and Jon watched tensely as Daenerys slipped the silver chain off her neck, then pulled the key free.

The Quarthian knot, which served as teeth on the small key turned the strange and complicated lock, and the lid popped open easily.

Daenerys flinched, and her hand hesitated, so Jon moved up to her side and pushed the lid the rest of the way. Silently, each took their own letter and broke the seals.


I'm so sorry, but I've found out who your mother was... Jon put a hand to his mouth staggered back. He fell into the chair by the hearth, his face breaking as he read on.

"You've never been a bastard, Jon. Your mother was Lyanna Stark, and your father was Rhaegar Targaryen."

"That's impossible," Jon whispered, not noticing if Daenerys replied or not. My father was Ned Stark...

"Ned Stark found Lyanna on her deathbed, in the Tower of Joy, giving birth to you. She named you Aegon Targaryen, and made your father promise to keep you safe from King Robert. To do that, Ned told everyone he was your father, and that you were his bastard."

The letter trembled in his hands. But he was my father, Jon thought angrily, wanting to shout it at Sam.

"Your brother saw it in his visions, but I have proof. At the Citadel, I transcribed a copy of High Septon Maynard's personal diary. I left it in my chambers for you, if you don't believe me.

Maynard annulled Rhaegar's first marriage, and then he wrote that the Prince secretly remarried in Dorne, but Maynard never mentions who the Prince married... the date of the marriage would have been when your Aunt Lyanna had been "kidnapped" there by Rhaegar.

I had to tell you. I didn't want to, but you know I had to. If it's any consolation, at all... The Three-Eyed Raven told me that Rhaegar never kidnapped your mother, never raped her. Rhaegar loved her, and he loved you.

I'm so sorry, Jon.


By the time Jon looked up from the letter, Daenerys had given hers to the fire, and turned for the door. "Nera..." Jon said weakly. She did not look at him, but her face shattered in the glimpse he caught before she let herself out. Staring numbly after her, his wife... his Queen... his aunt... Jon waited for the door to shut before he fell to his knees, numb.

My father... it was the only thought his mind would form, and for the first time in his life, Jon did not know who he meant.

He remembered Howland Reed's dying words. "You're a Targaryen..." Jon shuddered; he had assumed the old man had meant by marriage... "Your father," Reed had choked out, with his last breath. Lord Howland... who had been the only one along with Ned Stark, on reaching the Tower of Joy.

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