Chapter 9

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    When I came to my senses the next morning, I was wrapped up in the thin covers of a creaky bed. Though thin the covers were warmed because of the shirtless man next to me. His hand made contact on my side, limp as he rested it there. 
    I smiled and twisted my fingers into his, locking them into a handhold. Soap shifted as I rolled to face him. His eyes were already open, watching me with a rare smile on his lips. 
    "Hi," I responded with a grin. 
    Soap yanked me closer to him with one arm. I appreciated the strength and warmth of his body as I cuddled up close to him in the morning light. He kissed my temple, holding me the same way we'd fallen asleep. 
    "I forgot to mention," Soap stroked my hair. "I like this. Why'd you change it?" 
    "It was time to go to natural." 
    "That's your natural color?" 
    "Fuck," he hissed and then tackled me into a kiss. 
    I giggled as he hardened his movements, pressing every part of him up to me. My hips wiggled as I told him I wanted him yet the pleading was useless; it wasn't a private enough place to participate in such activities no matter how badly we wanted to. Soap gradually pulled away, biting at my lower lip. 
    "As soon as the chance arises, you're so done." 
    "Done?" I cocked my head playfully. 
    Soap only smirked, not replying. 
    "Right then," I rolled my eyes and then glanced to the door. "I'm assuming everyone is awake?" 
    "I heard them all make their way downstairs." 
    "Why didn't you join them?" 
    Soap's head cocked as he stroked along my jaw. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked peace." 
    I wasn't going to admit that my sleep last night had been the best in weeks. "Well thank you." 
    Soap kissed me once more, smiling as he looked to the desk across the room. "Price did bring in a more...fitting uniform and some extras for you this morning. Nikolai was able to get his hands on something decent. I'll give you time." 
    I didn't want him to leave, but I also didn't move as he rolled over me to exit the bed set against the wall. I sat up as he slipped on his shirt, muscles rippling in his motions. I sucked on my lower lip as he ran a hand through his hair and then moved to the door. 
    "Oh and," he looked over his shoulder, "I also made sure to leave a little something for you in there too." 
    Curiosity spiked in me as Soap exited the room. I was off the bed and moving across the room in my shirt and undies in no time. I opened up the medium-sized bag and pulled out folded clothes. The blue color was eye catching as I moved it aside. 
    Also in the package was a bag of toiletries specifically for a female. I wanted to roll my eyes at the thought of Nikolai preparing such a thing, yet my lips betrayed that. A smile plastered itself onto my lips as I set the smaller bag aside. 
    Next was a black box, tied with string to make sure it wouldn't fall open. I cautiously opened the package and lifted the top to come face to face with a watch. Worn at the edges yet still ticking, the object had seen some rougher times. I lifted it as I examined the wrist accessory. 
    My chest tightened as I clutched the watch closer to the area. I didn't know how Soap had managed to get such an item, but I knew I would wear it until the day I died. The watch was Ghost's and hadn't been on him the day he'd died. 
    I set the watch down as I changed into the gifted clothes. The thicker cotton shirt was a deeper royal blue and went to my forearms. The heavy duty pants that came with were black with specialized, thicker knee patches. The boots inside the bag were also black and better-fitting to my feet than the one's I'd stolen from the Russian weeks ago. There was a fitted, smaller tactical vest—also the color of black—that I put on. Satisfied, I put on Ghost's black watch. I used the bag of toiletries to pull back my hair. 
    When I glanced to the small mirror leaning against the wall, my breathing hitched. The woman standing in it was slightly foreign yet oddly familiar at the same time; she was dangerous with a team of skilled soldiers under her command. I lowered my gaze upon realizing how similar this set up was to a part of my past...part of everything before Blackjack...
    Trying to avoid the topic entirely, I set things back inside the bag and then headed downstairs. There were voices in the kitchen area and I raised my chin as I entered. 
    "Looks like Nikolai knows how to find the good gear," Roach mused, looking me up and down. "You look intimidating Fox." 
    I smirked, shaking my head. "Roach, you're a piece of work. Thank you for arranging it Price." 
    The older man dipped his head once, handing me a plate of mixed food—eggs, bacon, cheese, and vegetables combined. "Eat up, we're briefing in ten." 
    Just like old times. 
    He continued past me and disappeared into another room. Yuri was nowhere to be seen while Roach and Soap were finishing up their own small meals. I plopped down across from the two of them and dug in. 
    "I see you found it," Soap commented, eyes stroking the watch at my left hand. 
    "I did," I smiled tightly. "How?" 
    "I had a couple of friends get it off the sub as things went haywire," Soap shrugged. "Figured you'd want it." 
    I could feel a steady gaze on my left wrist and turned to see Roach eyeing it with a pang of sadness in his eyes. My throat tightened as I swallowed another bite of food. 
    "I'm heading in," Soap stood and dealt with his plate. 
    "See you soon," I mentioned numbly. 
    Roach moved his younger gaze to his food—only a few bites left. I subtly shifted and loosened the watch from my wrist. I gazed at the object a little longer before gently holding it out toward Roach. 
    "What? It's yours!" 
    "I think it should belong to you." 
    I could see the relief and joy spread through his pupils as they dilated. Roach took the watch from me and then connected it to his own wrist. I met his smile with my own. 
    "Fits you better anyways." 
    I got up and put my plate in the sink before Roach could say anything back. He sat in silence while I moved to go join the others in the makeshift briefing room.

The Bullet's Mark (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें