Sleep had become foreign to me, as my thoughts kept me awake and paranoid over the weekend. I feared that my troubles of maintaining a relationship would result in me being alone forever. I feared that I pushed Steve away when something could have happened. I feared that I told him too much and everyone would find out soon enough.

"Brook!" Natalia snapped her fingers in front of my face to get my attention, "you zoned out again! What's up?"

"Nothing," I smiled reassuringly, "just tired."

The school building was soon in our eyesight as we pulled into the parking lot once again, sighing with frustration at the thought of facing another full day at school. As soon as we stepped out the car, Natalia had already noticed Billy, leant up against his car with a cigarette between his lips, as always.

"I'll catch up with you later, is that okay?" Natalia turned round to me with a look of excitement.

"It's fine! Have a good day!" I smiled as she ran off to Billy; who genuinely seemed happy to see her. I had a feeling this was going to happen much more often now, as I strolled into the building alone.

I would have been lying if I said I wasn't trying to look out for Steve among the sea of students. Only because I felt as if he was good company, but butterflies also rose in my stomach at the thought of him and our conversations from the party. I knew I didn't like him any more than a friend, I was sure of it, but a tiny part of me just wished I'd actually kissed him.

My throat felt like it was closing up, so I decided to go and get some water from the drinking fountains in the corridor to try and help me feel less dehydrated. As soon as I bent over to take a sip of water, I felt a strong pair of arms snake around me and spin me round, making me scream with a mouthful of water. I ended up spitting the water out over Steve, who happened to be the pair of arms that scared me in the first place.

"Oh you've got me all wet, smartass!" Steve giggled, trying to wipe down his shirt as he let go of me.

"Steve!" I laughed, running my hand through his now-wet hair, "you can't do that to me!" He looked down at me with those hazel eyes that drove me crazy.

"I'm sorry," he pouted jokingly, using his jacket sleeve to wipe the water from my face, "won't happen again."

"How was your weekend anyway?" I smiled, as we began walking in no particular direction, "did you survive the hangover?"

"I slept for most of it," he smirked, "and the hangover wasn't fun at all, although..." he paused, looking curious, "I still remember everything." My heart began to race again.

"Trust me, I do too." I grinned, as his cheeks went slightly pink in embarrassment.

"Ah, I thought I'd gotten away with the cute things I was saying about you," He smiled cheekily, "I guess my bad boy act has been exposed."

"Oh please, you're far from a bad boy," I chuckled, poking at his chest, "You're more like a little lost puppy."

"Am not!" He defended himself, poking me back lightly as he laughed along. And as if to ruin the moment, the bell rang, signalling first period, "Hey, meet me by the back entrance for lunch!" Steve ordered as he waved goodbye to me. I began to make my way over to Spanish, wondering why on earth he wanted to hang out with me today.

"I don't know why it freaks me out that Billy wants to keep me and him on the down low!" Natalia ranted to me in the middle of the Spanish, after Miss Sanchez had set the work for us, "is he embarrassed of me?"

"I'm sure it's nothing like that! He probably just wants to see how the relationship pans out before the whole thing gets spread around the school! You know how easily things become everyone's business!" I explained, reassuring her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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