Episode 6

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Rohit missed Sona now more than ever. The positive cases had risen and right now all that the poor souls really needed was hope, reassurance and positivity.

As he went about pep talking his staff and visiting every affected patient in the quarantine ward, he could see their eyes looking up to him; silently pleading with him to assure them of some glimmer of hope, however remote they were.

" Sir, Dr Mathur has come. You can change and get some rest. I'll bring in your coffee."

"Thanks sister."

He tried his best but Parvathi, his Sona was blessed with an innate capacity to heal. She would instinctively know what pain assailed somebody and would also know how exactly to make them feel better. If only she had been here, how much of cheer and positivity she would have spread.

He sighed. It would be days before he would be able to go back home, into her comfort of her arms.

He fingered the little frame on his table that held their wedding pictures and caressed his engagement ring. He knew the truth was that he needed her presence now, more than his patients.
She was sunshine, she was life. How he wished he could bottle her enthusiasm for life and take a whiff off it everytime he was away from her.

A smile crossed his face as he remembered how angry he had been at Parvati's existence. He had wanted to snuff her out from the face of this Earth. He had been prejudiced, biased and almost inhuman. "Pagal Parvathi!"
Now he was Pagal about his Parvathi!

He fished out his wallet and kissed his wife's photo" I love you more than my life. When I meet you next, the first thing I'll do is beg you for forgiveness for every hurt, for every pain I have given you. I love you Sona.."

He closed his eyes and kept kissing her photo when he suddenly heard bells and laughter of children. "How strange!"

Rohit followed the sounds and was pounced upon by three children, " Papa!" whined a cute, adorable little girl who resembled an actual doll ," He's taking all my toys."

"No" asserted the other two angelic looking boys" Papa she's a liar!"

And the three got in to fisticuffs.
Rohit looked at them bewildered. He tried to pull them apart without much success.

He screamed in frustration, "Where's your mamma?"


And to Rohit's great shock, he saw Raima.

How was that even possible?

He didn't have time to think much as the kids were kicking and hitting each other. He didn't know how to handle this. Sweat was pouring down him when somebody tapped his shoulder,"Rohit, move aside. I'll handle this."

"Mamma!" The kids hugged their mother and Rohit turned back with his heart in his mouth. Whom would he see??

But he couldn't see her face. There was a haze covering her. Scowling with irritation, he took big strides and tried to move past the smoke to reach the woman..

Initially it seemed like co-incidence. Where ever he went, she seemed to be there. But today Ajit was positive Aakruti was deliberately following him.
After all, the chances were hollow that she also felt like visiting his garage at the same time he was there.
Hiding his irritation with great difficulty, he said in a saccharine sweet voice, " Are you following me?"

Yes" Aakruti said matter of factly.

Ajit looked taken aback. He had expected Aakruti to deny and argue.

She was a very strange girl "But why?"

Aakruti pointed at his bike innocently" I thought you needed help fixing it. I can do it."

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