
      Marshall and I stopped at my own house on the way to his to grab some more of my clothes and other necessities. Mom wasn't there. I strategically made sure we went when she was at work. Now we're back in his apartment. He's tired and it's getting very late. After all, the fight is tomorrow. I still haven't made sure I can go but what's he gonna do to stop me?

"You should sleep." I say. "I mean you have a big day tomorrow."

      Marshall looks up at me from his spot on the couch. The entire room is dark aside from the dim light of a lamp on the coffee table. He's in some gym shorts and a t shirt. Slowly, and with some difficulty he stands and follows me to his bedroom. He slips out of his t shirt and shorts. Marshall's always been one to sleep in his boxers. I flick on the bedside lamp and see numerous bruises littering his stomach. He stands before me, knowing that I'm staring. My eyes gaze up at his cheek, noticing the bruising has gotten worse. I stand up and put my hands over his stomach. He winces, and I pull back.

"How bad does it hurt?" I whisper.

"Not enough to make me stop." He answers bitterly.

      I cup his unbruised cheek and he turns into my hand, kissing my palm and wrist. Slowly, he leads us to the bed and he climbs in. He grunts getting under the covers. I get in too, but staying on my side of the bed. I'm afraid to touch him. I'm afraid to hurt him.

"Come here." He says, tugging on my hand without moving his body.

"No." I say softly.

"Rach." He asks again. "Please?"

"No..." I know I look sad. I can hear it in my voice that I sound weak.

"Please." He begs again.

"Marshall." I shake my head. "You can barely move. I don't want to hurt you."

"It won't." He protests and pulls on my hand. "I have to sleep holding you."

"I'm telling you it's going to make them worse." I refer to his bruises.

"Then just come closer." He pulls with more force. "You're so far away just please. Please come here."

      This is the first time I've seen him like this. Weak. And vulnerable. He's needy like I am. And that's good. I look into his eyes and see that he's getting upset. They're becoming that icey shade of blue. Marshall's been very clingy tonight. It's very hard to say no to him like this. It's hard to say no to him in general. I hesitantly move my body closer to his until his arm is curled around my shoulders. He's on his back, unable to lay any other way.

"Kiss me." He begs, turning his head towards me. "Please I can't touch you. The least I can do is kiss you."

      I kiss him. I kiss him slow and long. Moving my lips against his making sure every motion shows how much I care. He winces a little and I immediately pull away.

"Don't stop." He says with sad eyes and shaking his head. "Please don't stop."

      It suddenly clicks for me that there is something deeper going on. He is never this emotional. He never shows weakness, especially not in front of me. He is always the one who takes charge and I like that about him. But as I look in his eyes tonight, I can see clearly that what ever this is, is not just about me. It's not about him being hurt. I can see that something is eating him and he's trying to forget it. He's looking for an escape and for some reason he finds it in me. My eyebrows knit, and I lace my fingers with his. I kiss him again for longer this time. When I remove my touch I can see his eyes pooling with tears, he blinks them away. He's the type of man who doesn't cry. Who doesn't show vulnerability.

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