05 || pretty boy diggory

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"I still think it's bullocks that Madam Hooch let Slytherin swap with Hufflepuff," Michael commented as he glared at a group of Slytherins making their way up the stands.

"It's ridiculous that she believed their seeker-still-injured excuse, innit?" Desiree Walsh said as she followed his gaze.

In the end, Gaia chose Desiree Walsh to take the position as Keeper, along with her brother, David Walsh (a 3rd year) as one of the Beaters and Cho Chang as the Seeker.

"As if," Roger scoffed, "If Madam Pomfrey could regrow Potter's bones, she could definitely patch up a scratch."

"Shush, you three. As much as I agree with you, I really don't think we should talk rubbish about opposing teams," Gaia scolded.

The three uttered their apologies before falling into a different conversation about the next game, which would actually be between them and Hufflepuff - but that was about three weeks away.

The weather had gotten even worse, though Gaia didn't think it was any possible. There was thunder booming through the sky and the wind was brutal, making her question if the brooms would even stay up in the air. Despite the dreadful weather, everyone was still filled with excitement as if it were just a normal day for a Quidditch match.

"Personally, I think they should've just postponed the match. The weather's horrendous," Kaleb said, gripping tightly to the umbrella he held in his hand.

"Y'know, your umbrella isn't helping," Michael snickered, Kaleb only glared slightly.

"It's helping a bit," Kaleb defended.

"Oliver would throw a fit, though. Even I'd be bummed to have a match cancelled if we'd been practicing as much as they have," Gaia answered.

"Would the brooms even stay up?" Cho asked from beside Gaia as she huddled with Kaleb under the umbrella.

"Hopefully," David answered in a quiet voice.

"We're about to find out," Gaia said, her lips pressed into a thin line with worry as both teams walked out into the field.

Gaia wasn't sure if Lee was commentating but if he was, she couldn't hear it over the howling wind and the loud rain.

Squinting her eyes, she could only see a blur of colors staggering through the field as the rain affected her visibility. Somehow, she was able to hear Madam Hooch's whistle and the blur of colors took off into the air. She spotted some players struggling to keep their broom straight as the wind blew harshly against them.

"Can't even tell who's who anymore," Desiree muttered.

From what Gaia had been able to see, Gryffindor was in the lead but neither Seekers had been able to catch the snitch yet. The sky was getting darker as the game went on and some players kept bumping into each other - whether it was because of the wind or the rain affecting their vision, she wasn't sure. There was a collective gasp from everyone when lightning struck down, nearly hitting one of the players. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and both teams flew down for a time-out and huddled together in respective large umbrellas.

"They seriously should just reschedule. I don't know how they're even playing anymore," Kaleb said, shaking his head.

"You can't stop it unless both teams decide to, and I'm pretty sure Wood's set on winning," Michael said.

Both teams went back in the air and the game resumed. Gaia had lost track of their points long ago, but she was pretty sure that Gryffindor was in the lead. Then, a blur of yellow sped through the field, eventually going upwards and being followed by a blur of red.

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