Ch 18 - Leadworth and the TARDIS

Start from the beginning

"How did you-"

"I speak dog. Now hurry, he's antsy," he says and I sigh.

I take the jerky I was going to save for later out of my jacket and throw a piece at the dog. He eats it happily and barks before running away.

"Where is everyone?" The Doctor asks as he looks around the empty street.

"This is busy," Amy says and I grimace. "Okay, it's quiet, but really restful and healthy. Loads of people here live well into their nineties."

"Well don't let that get you down," he mutters and I snicker.

"It's not getting me down," she says, sounding a little offended.

"Well, I just wanted to see how you were," he says. "You know me, I don't just abandon people when they leave the TARDIS. This Time Lord is for life. You don't get rid of your old pal the Doctor so easily."

"You came here by mistake, didn't you?" Rory asks.

"Yeah. We ran out of milk," I say.

"But look at the result!" The Doctor exclaims as he rushes towards a bench and we follow. "Look at this bench. What a nice bench. What will they think of next?" He says and sits down. I sit next to him while Rory sits on the other side and Amy sits next to him. "What do you do around here to stave off the, um…"

"Boredom?" Amy and I suggest at the same time. Rory stares at her. "We… relax."

"Relax?" The Doctor whispers to himself and I shrug.

"We live," Rory says. "We listen to the birds." I nod as I hear a bird singing in the background.

"Yeah, see? Birds. Those are nice," Amy says and looks around.

"We didn't get time to listen to birdsong back in the TARDIS days, did we?" Rory yawns.

"Oh blimey, my heads a bit… ooo," the Doctor shakes his head. "No, I-I guess we didn't- ergh."

"Hey," I yawn and lay my head on the Doctor's shoulder. "Don't you think that that bird is a bit…

Loud?" I open my eyes and gasp as I sit up in bed. The Doctor mutters something next to me and shoots up, almost knocking me over.

"What? No, yes, sorry, what?" The Doctor rambles and shakes his head.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I ask him.

"I… don't know…" he mumbles. He quickly stands up, still on my bed and for some reason wearing his boots. "Amy!" He yells and jumps over me and runs out the door. I follow him and we run into Amy and Rory on top of the staircase. He instantly hugs them and sighs in relief. "Oh, you're okay. Oh, thank God. I had a terrible nightmare and… That was scary. Don't ask, you don't want to know. You're safe now." He sighs again and bounces down the stairs near the console. I follow him after I poke Amy's stomach.

"I had a nightmare too. And it wasn't the regular ones," I tell him and he rubs my back.

"Okay, red flashing lights," he mutters as he surveys the console. "I bet that means something."

"Er, Doctor," Rory pipes up. "I also had a kind of dream thing."

"Yeah, so did I," Amy says.

"It wasn't a nightmare though," he says. "Just, er, we were married."

"Yeah, in a little village."

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