chapter 5

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I woke up on a terrible Wednesday morning one month later and felt a bout of nausea, actually having to run to the bathroom before I threw up all over my bedroom floor. The acid burnt my throat as it made its way up my throat and into the toilet. I was sweating and convulsing with the sickness. Groaning and holding my stomach I leant against the wall with my eyes closed.

“Louis, are you okay?” My mum’s voice was soft and comforting as she handed me a glass of water. I groaned again as a second bout came around. My mum rubbed my back as I threw up this time, soothing me while I cried from the pain. I had never taken throwing up well so having my mum made me feel better about things. “Okay so you’re not going to school, I’ll go give them a ring and you get back into bed.” I groaned once again as me moving set off another bout of throw up. My mum sighed and rubbed my back once again until she had to go and give them a call. I sat there my eyes closed and my cheeks wet with tears waiting for her to return. The water tasted funny, almost metallicy, making me pull a face and leaving it on the ground. My mum returned a couple of minutes later with a bucket, a water bottle, a box of saltine crackers and a cordless phone. She placed an arm around my waist and helped me to my bed. “Try to sleep okay Louis. I’ll see you when I get home from work.” She kissed my forehead and closed the door on her way out. I flipped over and threw up again, curling into a ball after the fact. My eyes closed and before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke up to someone rubbing my back, I figured it was my mum at first so I sighed and tried to fall back asleep. But when you’re sick and you wake up, the first thing you want to do is throw up once again. I grabbed the bucket and retched into in, my mum rubbing my back as I did. I was sick of being sick, sick of crying, sick of shaking and sad that I wouldn’t see Harry today. Groaning I rolled over onto my back and wrapped my arms around my torso. I finally opened my eyes and was shocked at the sight. It wasn't my mum who had been rubbing my back but Harry, the very boy I hadn’t wanted to see me when I was so sick. I quickly sat up against the wall, my eyes huge and my hands shaking. Harry smiled shyly and waved.

 What are you doing here Harry?

I signed to him, my hands shaking violently as I did. Harry shrugged and smiled once again, turning his head away from me. He started to sign, his face turning red as he did.

You weren’t at school today, I came to make sure everything was okay.

I felt my mouth fall open and the corners turn into a smile. He had realized and wanted to make sure I was okay. I felt my miserable mood disappear at Harry’s words. Instantly I reached my arms out and wrapped him into a hug. He laughed and hugged me back, before I had to throw up once again. Harry rubbed my back, soothing me as I did. He didn’t care how sweaty I was or that I was crying, he just sat there with me in silence, rubbing my back to soothe me.

So you got sick then?

Harry’s words were mocking, but when I tried to write my hands shook so bad that it wasn’t legible at all and I sighed. Talking to Harry was going to be impossible today.

Talk REALLY slow and clear and look at me. I’ll just read your lips.

I smiled at him and turned my body to look at him, careful not to jostle to much in case my sickness happened to reappear all over Harry.

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