Chapter 12

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Zoe's POV

And I sat there.

I sat there thinking.

I sat there thinking and crying.

Thinking and crying about his words.

Those beautiful words he said to me before he left.

And then I thought about Claudia's words.

Those cruel, selfish words.

And then in the corner of my eye, I saw a shine of silver.

A pair of scissors.

It was a sign.

A sign that all pain and suffering could be taken away.


Don't do it Zoe.

You still have a life to live.

I pulled out my phone, plugged in my earphones and put them in my ear. I decided to play Clean by Taylor Swift.

"Now that I'm clean I'm never gonna risk it."

That line of lyrics from the song made me feel so emotional. I sat there - the corners of my eyes filling up with tears.




Ethan's POV

School these days have been long, boring and tiring.

Each session drags on for endless hours.

All that my mind can focus on is Zoe.

How is Zoe?

Is she going to be alright?

I wish I could be by her side right now.I felt a slight vibration in my pocket so I pulled my phone out.


Kathreen Lanchester :

Hello Ethan,

I am going to Claudia's home.

Would you like to come? Thanks.



Ethan Karpathy :

Hi Kathreen,

Yes, I would like to pay Claudia a visit.

Thank you for asking me.

Ethan :)


Kathreen Lanchester :

Okay, meet me at the school

reception in 5 minutes.



I stare at the clock for five long minutes.

I stand up and head for the door.

"Ethan. Where do you think you're going?"

"Zoe's mum is picking me up bye!" I say heading out the door.

"Ethan come back no one said you could leave."

I pop my head back in the doorway and say, "I said I could leave."

I turn back around and walk towards the school reception.

I see Kathreen waiting patiently near the front desk and I walk toward her.

"Ethan! Good to see you again," she smiled warmly at me.

She lead the way to her car and I get in next to her.

We are going to Claudia's house, where I can put her in her place.

To end all things.

We politely knock on Claudia's huge white front door.

Mrs Evans opens the door.

She sees me and narrows her eyes suspiciously.

"How can I help you two?" she asks.

"I am Kathreen Lanchester. I would like to inform you with something." Kathreen tells her.

"Then you better come inside." Mrs Evans says warily.

We walk inside their large fancy house and sit down.

"We'd like to inform you that Claudia has recently visited Zoe in the hospital."

"And..." Mrs Evans says, bored.

"She said something to Zoe and now she won't talk to anyone and she looks very depressed."

"Claudia!" Mrs Evans yells.

"What do you want." she replies.

"Come down here right now."


"I said now!"

We hear loud stomps on the floorboards as Claudia comes down the stairs.

"What did I tell you about not interfering with other people's business?" Mrs Evans asks.


"Claudia listen. We will work out a suitable punishment for your actions. If you do something like this again, there will be consequences."

"Whatever," Claudia said, rolling her eyes. "May I speak to Ethan for a second?"

"I don't think that's a goo..." started Kathreen.

"It's fine, we'll be quick." I interrupt.

Claudia and I walk outside the house.

"What do you want?" I ask her.

"Why the hell did you come and tell my mum?" she hissed.

"Because she needs to know about it."

"No she doesn't."

"Oh yes she does."

"Back then would you have told my parents something like this?" her voice suddenly went quiet.

I remained silent.

"Did you ever really love me?"

"I did once."

"Will you love me again?"

"Listen Claudia, you are no angel and you never were."

"Forget it why did I ask you anyways." she says as she walks inside.

I follow her in and stand next to Kathreen's seat.

"I deeply apologise for all the trouble Claudia has caused you," Mrs Evans told us.

"Thank you for your time, Mrs Evans," Kathreen said and we started to head toward the doors.


Zoe Lanchester

Starting chemo this afternoon.


Ethan Karpathy

I'll be there :)





Author's Note:

Thank you for reading and sorry for not updating, I will be getting my friend maya to write bits of my chapters from now on since I hardly have time to write :)

anna xxx

I'll Be There (Ethan Karpathy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang