Chapter 1 (The day of the Exam)

Start from the beginning

I went inside and dressed up into more comfortable clothes' that belonged to my aunt. I flopped myself on my bed and grabbed my phone that I also stole from my aunt. I set my alarm as I fell into a deep slumber.

The Next day

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. I turned off my alarm and went to my closet to get ready for the exam.

(These are what you're wearing)

(These are what you're wearing)

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After finishing getting ready, I grabbed everything I need and put it inside my bag, I went down stairs' and grabbed some bread I bought from groceries'

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After finishing getting ready, I grabbed everything I need and put it inside my bag, I went down stairs' and grabbed some bread I bought from groceries'. I went outside and locked my door after making sure I had my keys' with me.

I started walking to U.A. for the exam, I checked what time it was, I was slightly early so I took my time to walk U.A.

When I finally arrived, I saw Izuku-kun about to fall but luckily, there was a girl with short brown hair. I decided to just mind my own business and went inside.

I went inside and sat on an available seat. A few minutes' later, Present Mic went infront and started speaking. "To all examinees' out there, welcome to my live performance!" he shouted "everybody say 'hey!'" he shouted while people stayed silent "That's cold" he replied. "To the examinees out there, I'll give you a quick rundown of the practical exam" he said. "Are you ready!?" he shouted while everyone still kept quiet.

"As the application says', you'll participate in a ten minute mock battle in the city" he shouted. "Bring anything. After this, head to you're assigned practice center" he explained. "At each practice center, there are three types' of virtual villains'. For each of them, you earn points' depending on their level. Use you're induvidual quirk to defeat the villains' and earn points" he shouted. "And of course don't hurt others' or anything anti-hero" he shouted. Someone then raised their hands'. "I have a question!" a person with blue hair and glasses said.

"Okay" Present Mic pointed out to the person raising their hand. "On this printout, there are four villain types'. If it's a misprint, it'll be be a great shame on Japan's best school" he explained. "We examinees are here because we wan't to be taught by exemplary Heroes" he explained. "And you frizzy haired boy" I looked at who he was pointing at and he was pointing at... Izuku-kun?

"You're endless murmuring is disrupting! If you're here just for fun, leave now" he exclaimed. I wanted to shout at him badly for speaking that way to Izuku-kun. I saw Izuku-kun covering his mouth and apologized by whispering. "Okay, okay. Examinee 7111, thanks' for the nice message" he replied with a thumbs' up. "The fourth one is zero points'. He is an outcast. It's just a gimmick, that's causing a ruckus throughout each center. You can destroy him but there's no point" he pointed out.

"To the listeners', I advise you to avoid these guys" he explained. The guy with glasses bowed down and said. "Thank you and please excuse my question" he then sat back down to his seat.

"That's it for now. Finally, I'll bestow upon you our school motto. The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'True heroism consists' in being superior to the ills' of life.' Over and beyond, PLUS ULTRA!" he shouted. "So I wish you all the best" he shouted again.

It was quite boring, I finally stood up and went to dress up for the exam. I was in Practice center B.

After arriving, I saw a lot of people there already. I saw Izuku-kun and I was gonna talk to him but the boy from earlier was talking to him. I didn't wanna bother them so I ignored them. The place looked liked a city. Present Mic then shouted "Okay START!!" he shouted. People weren't moving while I ran up to the gate first. I heard him shout again. "What's wrong!!? Life doesn't have countdowns'!!! Run, run!" I heard from the distance. "There's no going back!!" I heard.

I saw everyone starting to run and I finally bumped into a virtual villain worth 3 points'. I also saw a 2 pointer one, so I used my quirk to lift them up and throw them to buildings'. I saw more and kept killing more virtual villains'. I saw a few people stuck under huge debris'. I got them out using my quirk. "Six minutes', two seconds' left!" I heard from Present Mic

I saw a group of some virtual villains'and killed them instantly. There are fewer and fewer left every second. Although I did get a lot and I saved a few people. I then heard a small explosion coming near me. There was smoke so I couldn't see. The ground was shaking and slowly a giant virtual robot worth 0 points'.

People started running away scared but for them it's alright to leave it alone since it's 0 points' worth. I saw Izuku-kun fell on his butt, staring at the 0 pointed robot with fear. I on the other hand, couldn't move. I was staring at it, I felt nothing. Not even fear. "Two more minutes' left!!" Present mic shouted.

I saw the girl with brown hair from earlier stuck under a debris. I instantly ran to her and helped her lifting the debris with my quirk.

I looked behind me and saw Izuku-kun running and jumping up in the air and punched the robot. "SMASHHH!!!!" He shouted breaking his arm, legs', and the robot. Everyone was shocked seeing Izuku-kun beat the robot.

"One minute left!" Present mic shouted. Izuku-kun started to fall down. It looked like he he was having a hard time to land. I used my quirk as soon as I could and landed him safely.

Someone arrived and apparently, they are the nurse of U.A.

Recovery Girl

When she arrived, she gave some gummy bears' to a few of the examinees'. She then went to Izuku-kun and used her quirk to heal him. He was brought to the nurses' office so he could rest for a while. I went home after the exam, so I could finally go home. After arriving, I took a shower and ate some food and finally went to bed.

A week later

I was going home at that time from work. I'm pretty exausted but when I arrived, there was mail. It was from U.A. high!

I went to my room and set it on my desk. I felt slightly worried cause' I really wanted to go to U.A.

I opened it and saw All Might pop up on the screen. "Y/n L/n, you passed!"
All might said on the screen. I kept a straight face, not a single emotion.

"You got 87 points' with 43 saves'" He said. Huh so they include saving points' to huh? I thought to myself.
"Also please remember to submit you're hero costume. You're classroom is Class 1-A" He explained. Then he disappeared.

I finally get to be a hero. I hope I find someone that can help me get my emotions' back. Someone who will care for me, someone... Who will protect me and love... Me

(Okay guys' that's all for now, this took longer than I expected. Also the next page will probably not be a chapter, it's the design of you're hero costume so yeah. Thank you guys' for reading this book)

1800 words'

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