《1 | Meeting the Karasuno boys》

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(Y/N) (L/N)

I blankly stared outside the window as I waited for this day to end, school was no fun for me and its like attending to a damn funeral, well technically funeral for the students who have mentally died due to stress and most probably math.

After a few minutes, the bell rung

Finally! I can get out of this hell hole!

I thought to myself as I stood up from my seat and walked out of the room, I passed by a few people and I could obviously say they look so annoying. I was halfway near the exit then my eyes lit up

I'm finally getting out! What should I do first? Hmm.. I should probably watch anime-

Suddenly I was pulled by the wrist before I could reach the exit

What the actual heck?!

"(Y/n)!" He smiled

I glanced over my shoulder to see Sugawara holding my wrist, I pulled away as he apologized

"What do you need?" I asked

"Hey don't be mad." He said in a concerned tone as he patted my shoulder but I swatted his hand away

"I'm not." I said

"Well you sound like it, anyways would you like to come with me on my volleyball practice? I mean so we can walk home together." He offered

Sugawara is actually my neighbor and ever since we moved to the neighborhood from (Country Name), he was the first one to welcome our family with a pie that he baked, he treated me like a little sister but I was completely the opposite to him but I still look at him as a friend. I told you I never wanted to get attached to anyone, why? Because I find it hard to let go of someone I am attached to and I don't want to get hurt.

I sighed as I looked at him in the eye

"So are you coming? Its okay if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you-"

"I'm coming." I said in a monotone voice

His eyes lit up, this was actually the first time I agreed to come with him, he smiled from ear to ear and pulled my hand all the way to the gym

This is just going to be a few hours (Y/n), take this opportunity to relax and don't even talk to anyone except Sugawara.


Sugawara walked out of the locker room as he happily smiled at me, I can tell he was really happy that I came with him but really, nothing is special.

We walked over to the gym as the boys stopped and looked at Sugawara and I, I felt anxiety slowly spreading all over my body but Sugawara held my hand, I gave him a surprised look as I tried to let go but he wouldn't, he knew I would run off

"Hey guys! I want you to meet (Y/n) (L/n)!" He chirped

Suddenly a short boy with orange hair walked to us and had an o shape with his mouth

"Is she your girlfriend?!" He asked while jumping in front of me incredibly high

"No! She is my neighbor!" Sugawara blushed

"Then why are you holding her hand?"

Sugawara nervously chuckled as he let go of my hand, the orange haired boy gave a suspicious look but he immediately gave me a smile

"My name is Hinata! Nice to meet you (Y/n)!" He said

"Come on, I'll let you meet the rest." Sugawara said

"Wait! You said I'd only come with you- not to meet them!"

"Well there is still spare time so.. why not meet them?" He smiled

I groaned as he pulled me by the arm

Dang it, he's like my mom during family reunions!

The boys from the other side of the court looked at me, I just wanted to flee right now but Sugawara here wont let me!

"Hey guys! This is (Y/n) (L/n), she's my neighbor and friend." He said as he patted my shoulder

A tall guy with blonde hair and glasses looked down on me and said

"My name's Tsukishima Kei." He said in a monotone voice

Followed by a guy with black hair and blue eyes

"My name's Kageyama Tobio."

The rest of the boys introduced theirselves and I would OBVIOUSLY not remember their names, I swear this will be the first and last time I'll be coming with Sugawara-

Suddenly the door smashed open as a guy with spiky hair entered

"Sorry I'm late! They made me clean the classroom!" He said as he stomped his way to the bench to place down his bag

It wasn't long enough till he noticed me,  I tried to hide behind Sugawara but it was no use

"Who are you?" He asked as he tried to stand tall in front of me

I'm pretty sure his hair makes him look taller than me but I'm obviously taller.

"She's (Y/n) (L/n), my neighbor and friend." Sugawara repeated for the millionth time already

The spiky haired boy gave me a smile as he extended his hand for a handshake

"My name is Nishinoya Yuu!" He said

I just looked at his hand with disgust and poked it away, the guy with glasses laughed then looked down at the spiky haired boy

"Oof." He said at the shorter boy

Nishinoya pouted and still waited for me to shake his hand, Sugawara nudged me as I rolled my eyes high in the sky, I squeezed his hand, enough for him to get hurt, I faked a smile as Tsukishima laughed silently

"I like this girl." He said as he gave me a small smile

I just shrugged it off and walked away as they started to practice.

Nishinoya Yuu》

I got in position as I glanced at the girl that I met earlier that COULD NEARLY BREAK MY HAND. I walked over to Suga as I asked

"Why is she like that?" I asked

"Oh you mean (Y/n)? She's not really fond of socializing with people." He said

"But how did you get to be friends with her?"

"Well she was from (Country name) and she moved to our neighborhood so I made her family a homemade pie as a welcome, she was rude to me at first but when days went on, she got used to me approaching her and we became good friends!" Suga exclaimed

I looked at (Y/n) who seemed to glare at the both of us, Suga grabbed my shoulders and turned me around with him

"Yeah lets not look at her."


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