No response

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Standing at the doorway, the demon lords glance inside the room, only to find [Y/N] sitting on the couch with a book in her hand. He could tell that [Y/N] knew he was there but she was ignoring his presence. He has been with her for so long. He could easily tell when she was acting and when she was not.  Sighing softly, Muzan called out her name. 


Nothing. No response from the [H/C] haired demon. Now, Muzan was fully pissed. Well, he is not one with a lot of patience. Had that been any other demon who pulled the same stunt like this, Muzan would have killed them by now. But this was [Y/N], the love of his life, the woman who had been with him since his sick human days. Even in his fury filled state, he could not bring himself to lay a finger on her. 

Stomping towards the woman, Muzan snatched the book in her hands and threw it across the room. Looking down at [Y/N], Muzan growled, 

“ We are going to talk right now." 

” I have nothing to say to you.“ 

[Y/N] spat back as she bolted out of the chair. To her surprise, she felt Muzan’s strong grip on her wrist. With that, [Y/N]  found herself back on the chair. Placing his hands on each side of her shoulder, Muzan pinned [Y/N] against the chair. The demon lord then leaned in so that their faces were a few inches away from each other. With a deadpan expression on her face, [Y/N] stared straight at a pair of glowing red eyes in front of her, his breath tickling her face slightly.

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