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We were back at Jitters the next day, drinking a cup of coffee and to no one's surprise, Barry Allen walked in. He ordered his coffee and came to sit with us.

"Hey Killer. Lady Hummel." he greeted playfully.

"Meerkat," I acknowledged. Blaine poked my ribs.

Barry smiled. Then he turned serious, "I'm really sorry for the way I treated you all in high school."

"We've already forgiven you, Barry," Blaine said gently.

"I know," he sighed and ran his hand through his already messy hair, "but I was such a jerk."

"Yes. You were," I agreed. Blaine jabbed me. "But... It's all in the past. You are forgiven."

Barry grinned his dorky grin. He opened his mouth to say something, but then gunshots rang through the air.

Everyone got down, five men stood with guns pointed at people.

"Nobody move!" One said. "You move we shoot!"

I heard Barry curse next to me. I was anxious because Blaine was more in front of the table and closer to the shooters than me or Barry. I noticed Blaine's hand moving closer to his pocket.

"Blaine, no," I hissed. His hand stopped, but we had drawn the attention of the lead shooter.

"No talking either," he said. Then to my ultimate horror, he saw Blaine's hand. "Well," he smirked, "that counts as moving."

He fired his gun three times. I heard myself yell. I felt a strange breeze. And then Barry collapsed. Wait. Barry? Barry had gotten in front of Blaine and the bullets hit him instead. Two in his stomach, one in his chest.

"Barry!" Blaine screamed. The shooter smiled and turned away.

Barry was the farthest away from Blaine, how had he gotten in front of him? I heard sirens as we hunched over Barry's bleeding figure.

"Hang on Barry," Blaine said, "Just hang on. An ambulance will be here soon."

"No," Barry gasped, "No hospital."

"Barry! You have to go to the hospital! You've been shot! You don't go to the hospital, you die!" I yelled, trying to get him to see sense.

But Barry persisted, "Take me. STAR."

"What?" Blaine said, crying.

"STAR labs. NOW." he gasped.

He spoke with such authority and conviction that we were driven into action. Blaine and I dragged him up. The police were cuffing the shooters, and we helped drag Barry to the back exit. I was glad we parked near the back alley because then we didn't have to dodge the cops.

Blaine jumped into the driver's seat and I stayed in the back with Barry, trying to stop the bleeding and failing miserably. I could see Barry's eyes drooping and I shook him.

"Stay awake Barry. Stay awake. We're taking you to STAR labs. Just stay awake," I said.

After ten agonizing minutes we made it to STAR labs. Blaine ran ahead to find help as I got Barry out of the car. I tapped Barry's face, getting a little blood on his cheek. "Keep your eyes open Barry. We're almost there." 

Blaine ran back out with Barry's friends, Cisco and Caitlin. They had a stretcher. Caitlin was giving orders that I was mindlessly following. Before I knew it, we were inside with Barry on a hospital bed, and Cisco and Caitlin working furiously around Barry. 

I caught things Caitlin was saying, but they didn't make any sense. She was saying that they had to get the bullets out before the wounds closed. But how could they possibly close? Then Barry was flat lining. Caitlin was shouting and getting defibrillators ready. This couldn't happen, Barry couldn't die. I hadn't told him sorry yet. 

Everything from then passed in a blur. Blaine sat me down and gripped my hand. We watched Caitlin and Cisco work, and Barry was soon stable and resting. I finally came to when Blaine told me that Barry was stirring. 

Barry groaned, and we bolted upright. "What happened?" he asked.

Blaine had tears in his eyes as he said, rather angrily, "You took three bullets for me Barry. Three. God. Damn. Bullets. Barry." 

And Barry had the nerve to smile sheepishly. I thought Blaine was gonna blow, but instead he just said, "Thank you."

"No problem," he said.


Barry mumbled something, and Caitlin walked in. "Oh. Barry, you're up. Good. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good." he said.

Blaine muttered some things that would be rude to repeat so I won't. Barry started sitting up, and Blaine got steamed again. "You can't get up!"

"I'm fine," Barry insisted. He then got out of bed. And he walked around. Like it was NO BIG DEAL! 

Cisco then came in. "Hey Bar. Took you long enough. I figured you were just gonna lay there all day like a lazy person."

"Ha ha, Cisco," Barry smiled. 

Now I got mad, "Heck! Barry shouldn't even be alive! Let alone out of bed! Are you all crazy!"

Barry bit his lip, and the three friends seemed to have a silent argument. 

Then Barry turned and started talking to us. "So... I'm gonna tell you guys something, but you have to swear to tell no one. NO ONE. Got it?"

We nodded. 

"Barry are you sure?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes. Alright. Have you guys heard the rumors of 'the streak' or 'the blur'?" He asked. We nodded. What did the blur have to do with anything? Barry took a breath. "I'm him."

"Sorry. What?" I said skeptically.

"I'm the blur. The streak. Ugh, those names suck." Blaine bit his lip and I raised my eyebrows at his claim. "I'll prove it," he said. I hardly had time to think 'how', before there was a gust of wind and in the blink of an eye, Barry was gone and back, and we all had ice cream in our hands.

"Oh my god," Blaine said.

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