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I woke up the next morning feeling hungry as hell. My shirt was already half way up my stomach, my hair was a mess, and some how I was on the floor. How the literal fuck did this happen? I slowly untangled myself from the sheets and put them back on my bed. I put my glasses on, grabbed my phone and went downstairs to fix some breakfast. It was actually a peaceful morning; reason being it was actually fucking quiet in the house. I mean I love my parents, but everytime they wake up its just singing and laughing and I wish for ONCE they'd actually shut up. But, I have no room to talk because I should've been saving up my money since I was 19 so I could move out. 

I finished making my breakfast and sat down at the table. Bored, I pulled out my phone to scroll through Instagram. It was all sorts of stuff I liked; bedroom designs, kitchen designs, cute people and all sorts of aesthetics. 

And then, she appeared. 

Crimson hair, ominous eyes, cream skin with freckles and all. 

The picture was of her in what looked like her bedroom with grey walls, a huge bed with satin sheets, a desk with a computer, books and documents. The floor was made of hardwood, with a deep hickory brown colour. Her room was beautiful. But the most eye-catching thing about all of it, was her. 

She was seated on her bed in a tight royal blue tank-top and black slacks. She wore this black jacket that fell off her shoulders in a seductive way. 

The caption read, "I know the bed is nice, but its nicer with you in it. ;)" 

The caption alone sent shivers down my spine. Out of my curiosity, I tapped on her page while shoving a bit of my egg in my mouth. I scrolled and scrolled, more pictures sexier than the last, similar backgrounds or colour schemes, different outfits and different locations. Once my face was heated enough, I looked at her bio. 

Her name was Kasey. The name is kinda cute, but her physical frame says otherwise. She also owns a real estate business, so I could tell shes quite the worker. Once I was done looking through her page, my thumb hovered over the follow button.

Shit what am I doing? I see this woman once and all of a sudden shes everywhere. Well, not that I mind.

I take a deep breath and quickly click follow. I shut off my phone, finish my breakfast and head back to my room. 

I sit on my bed with my pencil in hand and my sketchbook in the other. After flipping through pages of designs for furniture, get to a blank page. I think about what I should draw, and my mind immediately goes to the same girl from the library. Okay, seriously what the fuck is wrong is wrong with me? 

"Fuck it." I say before drawing her. After I finished, I was exhausted. I check the time; 1:13.

Wow I woke up late. But at the same time, my parents are up either which is a first. I look down at my drawing of Kasey and to be honest, it's not that bad. I go her features down, although I wanna work on my shading. Maybe another time.

I decided that I was gonna take a walk so I hopped in the shower, put on some beige shorts, a white tee, converse and a black vest. I put my hair up in a ponytail and left 2 strands of hair down at the front of my head. I looked pretty alright, despite me being so damn simple. I grabbed my keys, phone, earbuds and debit card just in case if I wanted to buy something. I got a sticky note to let my parents know that I was gone. Yes, I still do that. 

I stepped outside and locked the door behind me. Once I started walking, I went through my playlist of songs. I picked and picked and none of them seemed right. But then I settled on "Show Me" by Alina Baraz. 

As I listened more, I danced a little while walking. I wasn't really paying attention since the song is pretty good, but I should have. I bumped into someone.

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