“Ha, I would've loved to see how would Stella react to seeing Mitzi again.” Musa chuckled with Flora, while Helia and Riven were behind them, having their own conversation.

“She would go crazy, but fashionably, because after all, she is Stella!” Flora added as the two girls kept on laughing and exchanging thoughts of how their sun fairy friend, Stella, would have acted with the girl from earlier.

The two fairies got interrupted when three girls, who looked to be in their teenage years, got in their way, squealing as they look at them shockingly.

“Uhm, excuse me? Are you from that group, the Winx Club?!” A girl asked, with a big smile on her face, not believing her eyes, alongside her two other friends.

“Oh yeah, that's us--” Musa didn't finish her sentence when the three girls squealed even more, in a high pitch tone.

“Can we take a picture with you?! Please?”

“Can I have an autograph?!”

“I think I'm going to faint.”

The teenage girls started all shouting at the same time, creating a scene for some pedestrians around them. Flora and Musa looked at each other, confused about what was going on with the three girls, who showed up to be just fans being fans. They both shrugged their shoulders at the same time and pleased the three fans with their requests.

“Look at that, despite them not being here for nearly five years, their popularity didn't fade at all.” Riven scoffed, but a small smile appeared on his face.

“Our girls are rock stars, remember?” Helia patted on his friend's shoulder and kept on looking at them, especially Flora, doing their job as celebrities do.

The three teenage girls said goodbye and left as both Flora and Musa sighed and turned around to the boys with the little girls. “What?” The girls asked, from the looks of the guys.

“How many more people are going to stop us today, uh?” Riven questioned, sarcastically, to Musa, who playfully rolled her eyes at him.

“None, chill. Now let's go!” Musa grabbed Riven's free hand since the other arm was holding Serenity, and she pulled him towards the mall.

Flora and Helia looked at each other as they shook their heads, at the same time laughing, at the couple's relationship. Lilian gently pulled Helia's trousers, trying to get her father's attention.

“Yes, baby girl?”

“I want to go up!” Lilian lifted her arms, waiting for her father to pick her. Helia warmly smiled, before taking her up in his arms, making his daughter happy by doing it.

“Let's go in before we lose track of them,” Flora said, as they also made their way into the huge mall.

After a couple few hours, from wandering around the mall, Flora and Musa looking at clothing stores while Helia and Riven had to follow them through with the little girls in their arms, then Lilian and Serenity having fun on the mall's mechanical rides, then stopping at a food place to get lunch, then Riven watching sports channels on a television at a television display and Musa had to take him by pulling his ear to make him stop watching because they had to leave, then finally leaving the mall, the little two families have reached Gardenia's park.

“Finally! Let me sit on those benches.” Riven let himself fall on the first bench he saw that was nearest to him. Musa also sat next to him, with Serenity in her arms, feeling sleepy.

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