"no no no NO NO. my parents will kill me if they find out."

"i'm so sorry mills, i was just so tired and i got confused with the glass bottles of water and glass bottles of alcohol because the water from our refrigerator is broken so we have to use bottles and i poured something else from a glass bottle in your glass, unaware of what i was even doing."

"noah! i guess it's fine but as long as my parents don't find out, i'm all good."


it was quiet for a bit, four teens in one house, two of them being naturally problematic.

millie was finishing the last millilitre of water in her glass, along with some aspirin, when finn spoke,

"my name is finn by the way."

"oh, cool. finn. i like your name."

"thanks, i like yours too, millie."

"thank you." she said, with a small smile.

"so where are you headed after?"

"oh... home i guess. oh my god that reminds me, i forgot to tell my parents that i was staying here last night!"

she stood up to search for her phone, looking behind pillows, under blankets and on tables, it was nowhere. she bent down to look under the couch when someone tapped her shoulder.

she looked up to see her phone in finn's hand. gasping out of relief, she thanked him and asked where he found it.

"in your pocket, you didn't check there did you?"

"haha no."

he bit his lip and took the time to look at her features; glowing skin, peachy lips, honey brown eyes and short, chestnut wavy hair, whilst she was playing with her phone in her hands.

she was pretty. really pretty. she had curves in the right places, a cute button nose, rosy cheeks, the list could go on.

what if she remembers what she did last night?

eventually he stopped staring when she started talking,

"i'm gonna call my mum now a-"

incoming call from: momma


before she could finish her sentence, they both looked at her screen. her mom was calling before she just about to; a sign of bad news.

millie hesitantly pressed accept,


"millie! where have you been all night and morning?!"

finn took a few steps back and flinched whilst she moved the phone away from her ear a few inches to try and prevent becoming deaf from her mom's loud voice.

"momma relax! i just decided to spend the night at noah's after i gave the shoes because i didn't really want to be home alone."

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