A Not-So-Sweet Chick

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Carlos still had rabbit ears. At least he could hear far away.

Carlos still had rabbit teeth. At least he could add some variety  to his diet.

Carlos still had rabbit feet. At least he could hop far and fast.

Carlos still had a cotton tail. That, he could definitely do without.

All the other chicks teased him about it. The rabbits knew they had a tendency to follow Carlos wherever he lead them, so the little ,yellow flufflballs weren't exactly guilty of any crime. They were just doing what they'd been told; obey the largest chick in the room:Carlos.

But, they knew now that they didn't have to obey him. They teased him sometimes for looking more like a rabbit. And Carlos, he was at his wits end. He wasn't about to sit back and be everybody's chump. Why did the rabbit always win?

He sat in the take-off, where he basically lived now. It wasn't that he'd been forced to live there, he just preferred to spend his time alone in that room. Sometimes, the Easter Bunny, or his son would come and speak to him, but he never found it that enjoyable. After a while, they just left him alone.

He sat in the take-off, pondering this, while waiting for the daily rabbit to come in, and leave him his morning meal of birdseed. He had shined the egg-sleigh, sorted the boxes and barrels[for the millionth time] and swept the floor. He could at least take comfort in the fact he had one of the best views of the factory.

The door creaked open, and in wandered the rabbit of his nightmares; EB, carrying a plate of birdseed. Carlos rolled his eyes, and tried to look busy. Frankly, though, rooting through a crate didn't make him look all that busy, but at least he didn't have to look at that meddling mistake. Carlos still believed EB's father was a fool to think he could be the Easter Bunny. He needed help from a human, for fluff's sake!

Surprisingly, EB was silent. He didn't comment on how well Carlos was doing his job, he didn't even wish him good morning. Usually, the rabbit was annoyingly outgoing with him, as if being friends would make anything better.

Surprise, Carlos turned slightly to see if he had some sort of sickness or injury that prevented him from talking. There was nothing different...aside from the fact that he was wearing pants. EB hadn't worn his dress pants unless he absolutely needed to, on days suck as Easter, or when he had a formal meeting. Carlos knew none of those things were happening today, so why was he wearing those?

Taking a close look, Carlos spotted a shape. It wasn't the kind of shape that should be there. The area around his tail was kind of swollen.

The more Carlos took in, the more clues he got: EB was waddling. His legs were spread apart. His lower half looked a little round...

Carlos doubled over laughing. "Seriously?! You're wearing a diaper!" Eb shot up in surprise. "What?! No, I'm not!" He quickly tried to deny that, but when he glanced down, he realized it was painfully obvious. 'Stupid' rang in his head, and he blushed, waiting patiently for Carlos to stop laughing.

After about five minutes, the chick-turned-rabbit finally calmed down, and straightened up. "Oh," he sighed, wiping a tear of mirth from his eye. "Trying to save time, Easter Bunny?" EB rolled his eyes. "No. Listen, Carlos, you can't tell anyone about this."

"No one, hmm?" Carlos slyly smiled. "Not even...your papa?" EB's eyes widened, and Carlos knew he had struck something. A sly plan began to form in his head. This could be useful...

"NO! Of course not!" Carlos shrugged, smirking. "Well...alright. Your secret is safe with me." EB didn't stop to think. He hopped straight out the door, and beelined for his room.

He'd woken up with a sopping diaper, and, for some unknown reason, had an accident while getting dressed. It happened again during  his wash before that. Hoping to avoid that on the job, he had snuck a diaper under his dress pants, in hopes nobody would notice. So far, everyone was too busy to see anything, but Carlos had more time than anyone these days.

Now, EB had too worry about what Carlos was up to this time.

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