Hoshi Suzuki

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Name meaning (Hoshi): Star
Age: 16-17

Height: 5'7
Birthday: 7 May
Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay
Personality: Sensitive, sweet, gentle, talkative, kind, protective, mean at times, stubborn and a bit of a tsundere.

Quirk: Weak telekinesis, he can only use it on items less than two metres away and can not move them if they are more than 50kg. He inherited his quirk from his grandmother as his parents were both quirkless.

Some info: He doesn't like being picked on (He reacts badly and starts to either cry or throw small items at the person picking on him) and doesn't know how to handle compliments, so he just stays quiet and blushes. He dislikes touching anything that looks dirty or that he doesn't know was washed. He also dislikes dogs, as he is scared of them, as well as loud sounds and spiders. He doesn't talk much around people he doesn't know. He gets scared whenever he feels emotions that are unknown to him. He also really likes hugs, morning kisses (From significant other), strawberries, pastel colours and holding a hand of his friend or significant other. He is also in a band but doesn't perform often.

I guess that's all the info that I could possibly give out.

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