You're so Art Deco

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On the way to school in the morning I could only think about Ben and the feelings she has for me, that was driving me crazy so I went to Aja right away to see what she thought

"Look, you think Ben likes me?"- I went to her at the locker

"Good morning to you too"- she said

"Sorry, good morning now answer me"

"Finally you realized, of course that she likes you Shangela has already realized"

"But I don't like her what Am I going to do?"- I asked her

"You better not do anything she probably doesn't even like you and we're making theories"- she looked at me

"You're right."

"We have class with Santino and we are already late"- We ran to get to the room

The day was normal like everyone else I almost didn't speak to Katya today, Violet is more needy than ever. the only interesting thing of the day was Farrah spilling tomato sauce on herself during lunch

On the way home I was thinking about Ben we're just friends, she never liked Katya I would never have anything to her because I don't like her I was taken from this thought when I bumped into a boy

"Omg I'm sorry, I should be more attentive to the way"

"All right, I'm Justin."- he is so cute and beautiful

"Hi, I'm Trixie, well Beatrice but you can call me Trixie, are you new here?"- He must have noticed that I'm quite nervous about talking to him

"Yes I moved today"

"Do you live on this street?"- Of course he lives here you are so stupid trixie

"Yes, there"- He pointed to the front house

"So we're neighbors, I live in the house next to yours"

"That's really cool, we have to schedule to do something together"

"Of course yes"

Skinny Legends Group 🔥💫

Trixie pixie🎀: My new neighbor is really cute her name is Justin

Kit-Katya🥀:Trix, this is the new student in the class you have to stop twetting and be attentive to Professor Santino

Trixie pixie🎀: He is so cute

Pearlicious💜: Look girls on Friday don't want to come to sleep at my house and we order pizza?

Trixie pixie🎀: Why not? Katya convinces Violet

Kit-Katya🥀: She has to leave

Notes: Hello guys 💖. Happy Easter stay home and stay safe please 🐰. I hope you are enjoying the fanfic, comment what you think

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