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Richelle POV

Liv and I walked up to Maddie to see her wearing Diggie's jacket

"Do our crystal-clear emerald green eyes deceive us or did Diggie just give you his letterman jacket? Con-Graz-Ulations" Liv asked her

"Okay Simmer Down, Liv. I was just cold. I doesn't mean anything." Maddie told her

"It's so obvious he likes you, Maddie." I told her as Liv nodded

"But do you think he like likes me? I mean I know but how do I know know?" She asked us

"Well he gave you his coat coat" I told her as she laughed

"Maybe he's just confused to how you feel. With all the "sups" and "stuffs" and the "bam whats" flying at him" it's honestly amazing that he stuck around this long" Liv told her

"Just Tell him you like him already" I told her

"I don't know Liv, Richie. I think Diggie and I are fine the way we are. I mean, you're both acting like everytime we see each other it is completely awkward" Maddie told us

"Hey, Rooney" Diggie said walking up to Maddie as she awkwardly put her leg on the locker

"Just forgot my wallet in my jacket" he told her as he accidentally grabbed her hand and jumped back

Maddie took it out his pocket and dropped it as they both bent down to grab it and their hands touched again as they jumped back

"Here you go" Maddie said giving him his wallet

"Thank you" he told her as they stood their awkwardly 

"Sup" Maddie asked

"Stuff" he replied

"Bam, what" she finished as he walked away as Maddie turned to us

"So what do you think he meant by stuff" She asked as Liv and I shrugged and smiled at her

After School Liv, Maddie, and I were in our room. I was sitting on the bay window doing my homework when Liv phone rang

"Hello" she said licking it up

"Oh. Hey...Hello, Liv. It's mom guess where I'm calling you from?" Mom asked

"I'm gonna guess the kitchen because I can see you...sitting in the kitchen" Liv told her awkwardly

"Hey, is that our hip-hop snow cone maker beside your bed" Parker asked

"Uh, what snow cone maker? What bed? Who are you?" She asked as she hung up

"Hide it" I yelled as Liv threw it under her bed as the boys stormed into our room

"We saw the snow cone maker hand it over" Joey told us as they were looking through our stuff

"You'll never find it" Maddie sang

"I found it" Parker said holding it up as I groaned. He pressed the button as it started rapping and the boys began dancing

"Lemon, coconut, strawberry, lime. You make a snow cone while I rhyme" the snow cone maker rapped

"Ho ho ho who wants a snow cone" Joey and Parker rapped along with it

"And you wonder why we hid it from you" I told them as Liv phone rang

"It's mom facegabbing again. She probably doesn't even know she called me" Liv said as we all gathered around her bed

"I'm kind of excited to get out this house. I'm so ready for a change" mom said looking at a computer as we all looked confused

"Our of the house?" Maddie asked as Parker shushed her pressing the mute button

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