forever alone

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Reasons I will never get a boyfriend

-I can eat a while box if pizza if allowed

-My farts smell weird

-I listen to weird music ,albeit good but still weird )

-I use words like albeit

-I curse a lot

-Sometimes I say bitchy stuff without thinking

-I get annoyed easily

-I would rather not dress nice (sports bra.....sweatpants)

-sometimes I don't like boys

-I'm pretty boring

-I don't know how to flirt well

- I have trouble controlling my hair

-I'm always younger than like...everyone

-I still watch cartoons (Adventure Time is deep)

- I like ever likes llamas..

-I'm really messy and unorganized. Even though I don't like germs

-I snore....and sometimes I talk in my sleep......

-I can never make up my mind

-Sometimes my mouth talks without my permission

-I don't like to exercise

-I spend an unnecessary amount of time reading, and I'm not one of those cute quiet nerds im one of those awkward socially inept pubescent nerds.

In short the fact that im pretty much an eleven year old boy stuck inside a girl's body doesn't have all the boys running to my yard. I don't exactly have the coolest  milkshake.  (Place sad face here)

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