your friends backgrounds

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Madeleine Amor
She is Y/n's closest friend. Madeleine is British and moved a few years ago. She has a bf called Ben, they are both deeply in love. Ben is on the football team but always makes time her Madeleine. Madeleine models in her spare time. She is popular, but like Y/n has a secret nerdy side. She is quite sarcastic and doesn't take things too seriously. She is very caring about things she's passionate about

Nikita Stratton
She loves crazy hair colours and dyes her hair every few months. Nikita has been dating Bella for 6months now and they look perfect together. She's a really good singer/rapper and has made a few songs. She's quite curvy and loves binge watching Netflix series but also loves going on a night out.

Tiana Bloom
Her parents are from Brazil but she was born in Queens. She loves getting her nails done and getting a facial. She recently got in a relationship with Jacob but they've already had a few small fights. She's also curvy and quite short. Tiana is the most dirty minded one in the group.

Astrid Stark
Astrid enjoys hanging out with herself but occasionally she will hang out with Lily, Violet, MJ, Ned and Peter. She loves writing and photography as she wants to make her own book. She isn't popular and usually sits in the back of class, paying attention to her work. Astrid likes the company of her family but decides to sit at home when the rest of you go out on missions.

Lily York
Lily had recently moved from Australia. She was immediately welcomed by Violet and her friends as they became internet besties years back. She's quite a tomboy and loves Lego but she is also interested in makeup.

Violet Ive
She lived in foster homes most her life. Violet is very shy and innocent, sweet and kind. She never takes risks and is the responsible one. She enjoys writing but also cooking. Violet started dating Ned 3months ago and their are quite cute together.

Peter's group
They are the nerdy group which consists of Peter, Ned, MJ, Violet, Lily and sometimes Astrid, even though she is a year older.

Your group
The group is very popular and everyone is scared of you guys. It consists of you, Madeleine, Flash, Nikita, Tiana, Bella, Jacob, Ben and the new addition of Noah. All of you end up going to clubs and partying on nights your not helping your dad.

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