When Time helps..... CH-01

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(Harry's POV.)

Among the immediate battle we began at the DoM, the shouting of spell casting and everything stopped when I heard the curse Bellatrix castes toward Sirius. To me it looks like time itself stopped at the very moment the spell light halfway toward my godfather. It's both frightening and alarming, but on top of that a huge relief. That means I have enough time to stop a disaster and save my godfather.

When the very moment time itself stopped I felt something inside me broken leaving me with new energy boost and floating images inside of my mind. They were not like imaginations or predictions, they are more like memories. My memories??

In those memories what I or more like who I first saw was the blonde figure I know too much to my liking - Draco Malfoy - my Eternal rival.

He looked like.... how should I put this?... different. Yeah, different is the right word!

His blond hair almost white if not him having some silver hair among platinum hair. His usual sliver gaze was not there in my new memory. His gaze graced with baby blue. As always as... a neat freak he is, this new memory him wore princely attire almost as same as muggle princes' formal uniform in our great Britain. Although I couldn't make much out of  place by his facial expressions I could see this is some battle ground or rebellion ground since he looked at me panicked.

Then he ran toward me and hugged me so tightly, turned our positions as he was now in my place where I was before. Making me confused to no end. He caressed my cheeks with a blood stained hand and looked at me with a gaze I have never seen in him before. Concern, love, worry and happy. An odd combination.

As he fell, that was the time I saw what's went wrong. He fell on me while I sat with him letting his weight rest on me. There was an arrow stabbed his back so badly. While with blood leaking wound I could see some greenish purple liquid was leaking. What make me stunned was what he mumbled looking at me.

"I..." He coughed some blood before he finished what he was going to say. "... love you, Hadrian!" Then gave me a quick kiss before he went limp in my arms. I don't know what happened till I saw my tears fell on his motionless body. Then his body turned into ashes and disappeared away from my view. Then the next thing I know another arrow stabbed onto my heart, then I blacked out still freshly feeling his last kiss on my lips.

Then what I saw was bright light and my mum and dad looking at me with happiness and love. Beside them, another figure appeared. Wait...! What?! Professor Snape?!

It's really that Dungeon bat! But... but I’m confused as hell and can't call him now after I saw him looking at me with same love and adoration what I think a parent supposes to look at his or her child. What is going on?? And since when this breathtakingly handsome professor became that disgustingly disfigured   Dungeon bat?

"James love, he has your look! Look at him he looks exactly like you!" I expected it to be Lily - my mum, but I was shocked to hear the professor said it instead of mum.
"Thanks my love!" Dad said after kissing his cheeks?!
What's....what's going on?!
“He has your lovely eyes, Lily love! Don't pout!" The professor kissed her cheek so did my Dad.

"He doesn't have anything looks like me." the professor said almost pouting. Keyword almost, since he had a playful glint in his eyes.
"He has your lips idiot! Don't pout so, because I can't guarantee your safety if you pout like that." dad said pinching his cheeks.
"Eww... Get a room you two!" Mum faked a gag face of disgust while playfully glaring at them. "My baby is so little. You two, behave in front of him!"

They immediately nodded their heads under the glare hands up showing the playfulness in their faces.
"Anyway Sev love, I am positive that he will become no nonsense guy whenever the time comes just like you!"
That scene slowly faded from my line of sight.
Then another image appeared. That was mum looking at me with misty eyes. I immediately recognise this as the Halloween Night. My heart sank and broke at the same time realising that I am going to see the death of my mum in front of me.

"Mama loves you Harry!" those four words rings in my ears since the beginning of my memories.

Weird! When the dementors attacked me, I saw the green light through the closed door of the nursery. However in this I saw a yellow light! I heard a thud sound. Did really Voldemort kill my dad??

Suddenly the nursery door blast opened. In came was a figure I never expected even  in my wildest dreams. Dumbledore!!
Instead of Voldemort Dumbledore, the grandfather figure of my life, came followed by smirking Voldemort or should I say the Dark wanker, since the great Dumbledore was the intruder?

What in the hell is going on? Why the memories twisted?

"You traitor!!" My mum yelled seeing them. Dumbledore had an irritate look in his twinkling eyes.

"I advised you to abort the child! You didn't listen to me! Now face the consequences!" Dumbledore lift his wand toward my disarmed mum.

"Stupefy totalism!!" He yelled and mum got hit by a yellow light beam followed by white light beam.

Still opened eyes she fell on the hard floor with a thud. That was not the killing curse!! So how my parents died?? Or are they... still alive?

"You are Lucky Lily. We don't want to kill you and your husbands, do we my boy?" He asked from Voldemort.
"Yes my dear light lord! Or... should I call you daddy?" He asked with a scary smirk hiding his disgust expertly.


"You cheated on your consort with my mom. It's a famous secret!" Voldemort  said shrugging his shoulders not caring. "Anyway thanks for making path for the Prophecy child, daddy!"

"Go ahead!" Dumbledore said with a sigh hiding his wincing upon called a daddy.
Voldemort walked pass him and raised his wand on to my forehead saying "Aveda Kedavra!".

The curse bounced away from me and started to run rampage in the room with a eerie green light while destroying half of the room. It then turned toward to Dumbledore and hit his mirror like shield he hastily conjoined, and bounced back to Voldemort hitting him dead on making him cry out in pain and disappear him into pile of ashes and smoke and mere second later it hit me on my forehead.

Dumbledore had a shocked expressions, which was the first time I witnessed it, which was instantly turned into pleased expression. Was he enjoying his own son's death?

He picked me up from my baby crib.
"Oh ho! My son is in you now? Good! That idiot couldn't kill you! To hide my secret you have to kill him on behalf of me and you suicide with regret? Sounds a good plot, right?" He almost scared me to death with his evil laugh!
"You are my little weapon now!"

After few moments, while this lunatic headmaster thinking, Snape broke into the room with tears on his cheeks freely falling. He knelt next to my mum taking her body into his embrace  and started to cry his eyes out yelling mum and dad's names making me fill with sorrow for him.

After he calmed down enough to hold me again, he reached his arms to take me from Dumbledore and I also can see my eagerness to go into his secured arms. But Dumbledore had another idea and obliviated him and changed his appearance to the professor everyone fears and hate.

"Sorry Severus! He may be your son, but now he is my weapon and the ticket to be famous!"

With that I came back to my senses. With the Potter luck, the time was still freeze after the visit to new memories.

Does that means that my parents are alive? Then Dumbledore betrayed my parents and the wizarding world??

Those memories are really so confusing and so disturbing. I have to investigate this! For this whole time I got stuck with lies around me which created by those traitors?

No! Not the time to debate now! Let's think another time! Let's rescue my godfather! I reminded to my self. What can I do?

'Hadrian! Teleport there! Rescue our Godfather!' A voice sounds like me said. Teleport??

The time started to run again but so slowly letting me have enough time to do something to save my godfather.

Unconsciously I opened my eyes next to him and pushed him away from the curse light which was almost touch his heart. I got hit by it instead of him since I got switched with him.

As soon as the spell hit me I blacked out.

Will I ever be able to make things back to their right order again?

However I should thank the time for its honourable help!


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