The Beginning Part 1

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(Hellen description

She is 5"2 1/2 when she escapes at age 24 when she is 10 she is 3"2 she has midlength blond hair dull blue-green eyes grey when she is angry she has pale skin and always wheres a hoodie or jacket to cover all her scares. she has sharp K9 teeth and uses a knife to kill so she can get up close to her victims.


Same age as Hellen 6"3 at age 24 same hight as Hellen at age 10 disheveled brown hair blue eyes and tanned skin, helps Hellen cause trouble and escape the mental institute because he believes she doesn't belong there.)


(When Hellen is 10)

(WARNING- abuse, blood, murders, foul language)

I was in my room that was in the attic. This was the only place I was safe from my parents they never come in here. "HELLEN GET YOUR SLUTTY ASS DOWN HERE." I ran downstairs so I didn't give them a reason to come to my room. Once down there I saw my parents with beer and cigarettes. My dad picked me up by my shirt and chucked me across the room. I wanted to scream but kept quiet. Then mom came up to me and began to kick me and throw insults at me. I finally snapped I got up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed the kitchen knife they ran in after me and I stabbed them multiple times while laughing. After I was sure they were dead I washed the knife and put it away. I called the police and acted like I was sad.

"911 what's your emergency." the operator person said.

"Help my parents are bleeding I don't know what to do."

"Ok sweetheart tell me your name and adress."

"I am Hellen Vexer I live in ***** ****** Please hurry"

 I then hung up. I made sure there was no evidence that I did it and faked cried leaning over my parents' bodies. When the police and ambulance arrived they declared them dead and took me to my aunt. I love it there they are nice to me. When I arrived my cousin Prestin jumped on me and hung on.

(2 weeks later)

I had fun here they gave me an actual room gave me actual clothes instead of rags and they fed me. We were eating breakfast when there was a knock at the door, my aunt answered the door, it was the police. I hope they didn't find me out. I went up behind her and pulled on her sleeve to get her attention. "Auntie Hailey what is going on." all of a sudden the police grabbed me. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH MY NIECE SHE IS ONLY 10 SHE DID NOTHING RONG." aunt Hailey yelled trying to get them to let me go. Prestin was inside watching this crying. "Ma'am I am extremely sorry but we have evidence that proves she killed her parents we are taking her to a mental institute you can visit if you want." The other police officer that wasn't holding me said to my aunt.

"I DID IT AFTER THEY NEARLY BEAT ME TO DEATH IT WAS SELF DEFENCE," I screamed hoping they would believe me. Then the police officer that is holding me said: "They were stabbed multiple times indicating overkill sorry kid but you are coming with us." they then dragged me away looking back my aunt and cousin were crying while my uncle tried to comfort them nearly in tears himself.

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