Calvary Ch. 7 Crucifixion of Christ

Start from the beginning

Pilate had taken Jesus aside and asked him, "Are you king of the Jews? Your own people sent you to me to have you executed." Jesus replied, "My kingdom is not of this world. Men who hear me hear the truth." Pilate went out to address the people. "I talked to this man and found no cause to execute him." The people became enraged. Pilate asked Caiaphas, Is he a Galilean?" Caiaphas answered, "Yes." Pilate sighed and was stern, "Then he belongs in Herod's court." Pilate sends off Jesus and the people bring him to Herod. Herod had teased Jesus calling him crazy and a fool, then sends him off.

The people brought Jesus back to Pilate as Herod would not condemn him. Pilate had made a statement. "Every year I release a criminal to you. The murderer Barabbas?" Soldiers bring out Barabbas on chains. "Or Jesus the man who calls himself the Messiah?" "No not Jesus, he is not the Messiah!", Caiaphas roared, "Free Barabbas!" Pilate motioned a soldier to take Barabbas off the chains to release him. Pilate turned back to the people, "What would you have me to do with Jesus the Nazarene?" Caiaphas yelled, "Crucify him!" Pilate yelled back, "No! I will chastise him and then let him free." Pilate turned to Abenader asking him to make the punishment severe, but not to let them kill him. Pilate then sent Jesus off to get flogged.

As the crowds dissipated, I spotted Cassius and demanded to speak with Pontius Pilate. He reluctantly agreed. I knocked and Pilate answered and let me in. He looked at me, finally saying, "You look familiar." I politely answered back, "I am Sarah, the wife of a Roman Soldier." Pilate looked puzzled, "No not that, are you the daughter of a Galilean woman named Ruth?" I was shocked, not knowing how he knew my mother's name. "That's what I was told." I looked down, "However, she died and I was sent to live with a master by the name of Abraham." Pilate nodded, "Yes I remember now your father was a Roman soldier who had served under the Roman military, everyone hated his relationship with your mother, when she died, he was heartbroken. He did his best to care for you, but he was sent off to battle he trusted master Abraham to care for you, but your father never returned." Learning that new information, I didn't know how to react. I couldn't believe that this whole-time hating Romans that I was actually one of them. I sat down to process this information. Pilate looked at me in concern, "Are you ok?" I looked down, "I can't believe master kept this information from me, but then again I can see why he did." There was a brief silence until I stood up and spoke sternly, "You need to let Jesus go, he has done nothing wrong!" Pilate walked toward me, "That was my intention." I didn't respond, I walked out waiting for Jesus and the others to return. I was in my own thoughts, I hadn't seen Darron which means he was not one of the ones to handle Jesus that he was out handling the other prisoners.

They had finally brought Jesus back, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They had beaten him so severely he was almost unrecognizable. He had also wearing a crown of thorns mocking him. It terrified me, even Pilate was speechless. They had gone way overboard. Pilat then spoke to the people, "Behold the man!" Caiaphas shouted, "No! Crucify him!" Pilate asked, "Isn't this enough?" The crowd one again shouted, "Crucify him," Pilate asked Caiaphas why they should have their king crucified. Caiaphas retorted, "We have no king but Caesar!" Pilate was desperate and turned to Jesus telling him that he had the power to have him crucified, in which Jesus replied, "You have no power over me except what is given to you from above." Pilate was at a loss for words. Caiaphas went as far to tease Pilate urging him further to set the punishment as the crowd started a riot. Pilate addressed the crowd, "It is you that crucify him. I am innocent of this man's blood." He turned to Abenader commanding him to do as they wish. I watched them take Jesus away, I caught Pilates attention, and with tears in my eyes stared him down and shook my head.

I had followed close behind, as more Roman soldiers had tied up two other criminals to crossbeams. I saw Darron with the two other men, and I avoided contact as he didn't know I was out. They went ahead as Jesus had struggled to even keep his cross up. Abenader stayed to the front as two others at the back whipping him to move. I had eventually caught up when I see Jesus fall a first time. Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene watched in horror. I couldn't just stand by and I had raced out to help him up. Abenader tried stopping me. I pulled out a knife that was in the belt of the uniform I had out on. I threatened Abenader, "Don't touch me, let me help." I bent over as Jesus caught my gaze, "Let me help you brother." Jesus didn't respond, only nodded. I had helped Jesus to his feet and then stepped back as he continued carrying the cross. It wasn't long before Jesus fell a second time. This time his mother came to his aid. I stayed close to and did my best to keep him standing. The cross was too heavy and I was also about 5 months pregnant. Jesus had then fallen a third time. Abenader spotted a Jewish father Simon and demanding he helped Jesus. Simon was refused but eventually gave in and had helped Jesus with the cross. As they continued Jesus had fell a fourth time, and Simon struggling to keep the cross up. Soldiers started to spit on and beat Jesus. Simon had lost his temper, and screamed at them to stop. Simon continued to help Jesus as we reached Golgotha.

We had finally all reacted Calvary Hill. I spotted Darron and a few others nailing the two criminals to their crosses. I did my best to try to ignore their screams. It was hard watching the man I loved acting so cruel, even if they were criminals. I had still stayed hidden to avoid being seen. Darron looked upset and I didn't want him to have to worry about my company. Simon had attempted to talk to Jesus but soldiers had pulled him off and shoved him away. Mary Magdalene and mother Mary pushed through the crowd in attempt to see Jesus. Soldiers ordered Jesus to get up as they were preparing the cross. They then had him lay down while Abenader and another tied his wrists dislocating his shoulders so his palms reached where the nail needed to be. They used the hammer to nail is hands and feet to the cross. They then lifted the cross putting it into the ground. I couldn't take Jesus's screams of pain. I rushed out and Abenader quickly grabbed me and slammed me on the ground. Darron and spotted this and shoved Abenader and struck him hard on the face, "She's pregnant!" Darron looked horrified, "Sarah are you ok, why are you here?" He moved the hair out of my face. "I was crying at this point, "I'm sorry Darron I disobeyed you, I just couldn't leave my brother alone." Darron shook his head, "No Sarah I am sorry for the way I treated you this morning. You have every right to be here." Darron hugged me and gave me a quick but gentle kiss, "Just stay within the crowd ok." Blushing I only nodded.

The two men next to Jesus, a thief on the left and a murderer on the right had been silent up until the murderer on his right taunted him saying, "If you are the son of God, come down and save yourself!" Jesus didn't respond to him but Caiaphas had came up to him taunting him as well, "You say you're the son of God, yet you cannot come down from that cross." Jesus looked up saying, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do!" The thief on the left had responded to the other man, "We deserve this, but he does not." He turned to Jesus and asked him," I have sinned, and my punishment is just, the only thing I ask is that you remember me when you enter your kingdom." Jesus replied back , "Amen I say to you, this day you shall be with me in paradise."

Hours pass as dark clouds cover the sky. We all stood there watching Jesus. Meanwhile, the other soldiers gathered up and played dice games to kill time. Darron stood in the crowd holding me as I wept. Thunder cracks and the weather gets worse. The soldiers stop their dice game and some of the crowd starts to leave. A couple bystanders, soldiers, Darron and I, Mary, Joseph, and Mary Magdalene were the only ones remaining. "I thirst.", Jesus spoke. A soldier put a sponge full of vinegar to drink from. Mary had come up to Jesus begging him so that she can die with him. "Woman, behold your son.", Jesus responded to her weakly.

Moments later Jesus cries out, "My God, my God. Why have you forsaken me?" The weather becomes violent. "Father into your hand I commend my spirit....... It is finished." Jesus takes his last breath and closes his eyes. The air then became deathly still until all of a sudden, the wind howled and triggered an earthquake. The soldiers and surrounding people began to panic. Darron and the other soldiers broke the legs of the two prisoners to hasten their death. I had fallen back and Darron rushed over to pick me up to avoid any falling debris. Darron threw Cassius his spear and pierced Jesus's side. Fluid flowed out as Cassius fell to his knees, "This is truly the son of God!" He then got up and ran off.  Meanwhile the temple had split in two and Caiaphas and broke down and grieved. Darron and I stayed put and as the weather calmed the others returned and assisted us taking Jesus down from the cross. Darron unhooked the nails from Jesus's hands and feet and laid him in his mother's lap. Mary sat there, looked at her son not saying a word. Everyone bowed in respect. Mary had then looked out in the distance, her mind blank and numb expression, never seeming to leave her face.

Authors Note:

I want to note that I had a little bit of help from the book of Mark and The Passion of the Christ movie. This chapter was written carefully and with deep thought. I hope you enjoyed and please remember the ultimate sacrifice Jesus had made for us during this Good Friday.

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