Calvary Ch. 2 Greetings

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Chapter2- Greetings (Salvete)

I remember the first time I met Jesus and John. I was running and errand for master Abraham. I bumped into the two young men while exiting the temple. They were both very reserved. Jesus and John born 6 months apart were 14 when I met them, and I was 6. Jesus had long dark brown hair and was a bit friendlier than John who had shorter hair and was much quieter and more reserved.

They had invited me to lunch, and I met Elizabeth. Abraham told me to deliver a message to a woman named Elizabeth, so as fate would have it, I was directed exactly where I needed to be. Elizabeth has taken an extreme interest in my life. She told me about her relationship with master Abraham and how he was her mentor as a young adolescent. As luck would have it, I was able to form a close relationship with Elizabeth, Jesus, and John. I was happy to have them in my life. There was another domestic servant under master Abraham, and his name was Ezekiel.  I had a massive crush on him. Unfortunately, even after all my advances, he did not feel the same way. I had teased Ezekiel like I did with John. They weren't buying it.

Master Abraham continued to teach me as the years went on. He had trained Ezekiel to eventually become a soldier. I hated soldiers, especially Roman soldiers. They were ruthless and merciless. Their methods of punishment in my eyes were just downright inhumane. I remember during a run for master, I had accidentally stumbled across crucifixions of some Galilean men. I was horrified. A young boy about my age grabbed me and pulled me in the nearby bushes. I could tell he was a young Roman boy. He had black hair puled into a small ponytail and bright green eyes. He hushed me by covering my mouth, "I can tell you aren't from around here. You need to get out before they catch you." Still in shock at what I had seen I nodded, and the young boy led me out through the bushes leading me toward the marketplace. I never got that boys name, but the memory of what I had seen take place in that field would be imprinted in my mind forever. As my hatred toward Roman soldiers intensified, I was becoming known for my salty attitude, and because of that Abraham had kept me indoors.

Years pass and master Abraham and been teaching me well. I was 17 and eager to move forward. Master Abraham called me in one morning with news that turned my life upside down. "Sarah, you have finally become of age and I have arranged a marriage on your behalf."

Authors Note:

Arranged marriages were common especially if the women were virgins. There is going to be a lot more characters added soon and there will be way more action, response and dialog. These first 2 chapters were just a basic idea of the setting and personalities of the main characters.

                                                                                                                  Sierra Ann

Hint: Please keep in mind the young roman boy mentioned in the story... important, but you will have to keep reading......

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