Chapter 16: Ash Finaly Moves On~!

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 ash took a deep breath as he walked to his mother nad farther's graves.....

" hey there mom, dad,.....i know you probally can't hear me....but......I can't forgive you....nor will i, yet.......i won't forget you. you may have been horrible to me, but because of you letting go of my hand. I had to learn another way, and i wish you didn't let go of my hand....and i wish you did love me. but that is wishful thinking, i found someone, who cares for me. and unlike you isn't toxic. I'm moving on mom and dad, so this time. I'M LETTING GO OF YOUR HAND~! i won't forgive you, but hate will not drag me down, i won't forget you either, goodbye mom, rest in peice were ever  you are~!" ash said as he smiled he tossed the flowers on the graves....and walked away

free, from the abuse, hate, suffering, his parents had...... ash could start over......and that he was going to!

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