Chapter 2 [How do I know?]

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I walked back into the infirmary and set the clothes on the bed nearly tipping over a vase of white flowers. I pulled the sheet that divided the beds around me. Unfolding them I examine each piece. There was a pair of high waisted pants, a blue and white striped button-up shirt and a pair of white tall socks. I noticed the bruises again... and I can't help but think about what could have caused them. I touched the bandage on my head, trying to piece everything together. A knock came from the door. I changed quickly and folded my old clothes on the bed. " Come in."

A boy with black hair walked in. As I walked I buttoned up the last buttons. A slight blush could be seen on his cheeks. He cleared his throat. " Who are you?" I said tilting my head. " I am Ranpo Edogawa : The Greatest Detective." His pride seeped out in ounces. Greatest Detective? Maybe he'll know what happened.

" Can you tell me what happened? I lost my memory because of a blow to my head. I was wondering if the greatest detective would be able to figure it out." I rolled up my sleeves to reveal the bruises underneath. He walks closer and fixes his glasses. He gently grabs one of my arms and runs his hand over the bruise. I look at him, his eyes are truly exquisite. Something I didn't notice from far away. They were a deep green, a color that reminded me of something, or place maybe. His head shot up. I jolted back in surprise. " You were bound by the port mafia in one of their holding cells....You were probably-" he was interrupted when Dazai opened the door.

" Am I interrupting." He casually strolled over to us. Ranpo let go of my arm and backed away to look at Dazai. " Yes you are." I sigh. " well the President needs to see her." Ranpo pulls out a lollipop from his pocket and puts it in his mouth. I look at both of them, Why is the tension so.. Suffocating. Was it something I said? Or was it something Ranpo said... not wanting this to get worse I stand between them. " Dazai, how about you go ahead, I'll catch up." he looks at me. " Alright my belladonna." He bows to me in a childish way and walks out. I turned to him " Can you finish what you were going to say?" his mouth opens a few times like he wanted to say something, but he never did. " Nah! I think I'll let you figure it out on your own!"

His mood completely changed... why would he avoid the question, maybe he really doesn't know and is just playing tricks on me, but if he did know then why would he dance around the issue?

" Anyway, do you want to have lunch with me? I would be honored to have such a lovely lady with me." He smiles like a child.

"That sounds great." I smile back at him. I go to open the door when he touches my shoulder. I face him once more . " I never got your name."

"Its Piper, Piper Primrose." I close the door.


I walked down the same hallway I did before, except not stumbling this time, and made my way to the center of this building. It was loud, almost like a city, yet quiet and quaint.

Desks were in pattern on the floor.

I saw Dazai sitting on a couch in some sort of waiting room I would assume. I walked up to him, he immediately noticed me. "You ready to meet the president?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

" Oh the President is viscous.. And preys on fear. You must be prepared when you enter or you will never come out~" Dazai was circling me and talking in a way that screamed really-trying-to-sell-a-ghost-story vibe.

"Stop trying to scare her Dazai." I turned around and saw a beautiful woman with short black hair standing in the doorway. She wore a proper outfit, one with a long black skirt that fell to her knees, a white dress shirt with a tie and stunning yellow butterfly hair clip that only made her more attractive. She stood with her hand on her hip. 

" the president isn't like that at all kid, you have nothing to worry about." She walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. " He just wants to debrief you on your situation. Oh and I'm Akiko Yosano." I go to respond but then a lovely secretary walks in, she talks with a smile. " the President will see you now." I walk towards her then look behind me one last time to see Miss Yosano smile back at me with a nod. I turn around again but only to hear the sound of Miss Yosano lecturing  Dazai. I chuckle while walking towards the office.

The Secretary opens up the door for me. I look in and see who I think to be the President sipping his tea. He's much different than I imagined. He has metallic blue eyes and grey hair that fall to his shoulders. He wore traditional Japanese clothing, something that added to the building's quaintness. I walked in and sat in a chair that was across from his desk. He sets his tea cup on the table and looks at me. His face was stern and calm, two things that make a good leader. "Piper Primrose, that is your name isn't it."

I jolt up " Y-Yes sir."

"And you don't remember anything?"

"Yes sir." He leans back in his chair then glares at me. " So how do you remember your name." I froze in my seat. W-what do I say..? I don't k-know. I don't know. How do I remember my name?

"Piper." I look at him. " Are you alright."


"Take all the time you need to answer my question. I understand it might be hard."

I look into my lap. How do I know... I think back.

woke up.

I looked on the table next to me.

There was a vase... With white PRIMROSES.

I look up at him again. "When I woke up there were White Primroses next to me." I didn't stutter because I knew I was right. He placed his hand on his chin like he was thinking. "Hmm. So objects can jog your memory."

"So that was a test?"

"Yes, I had Dazai place them there." He sipped his tea again.

"But... How did you know my name?"

"I will tell you in time. For now I would like to get to the original topic of this conversation."


Thank you for reading!

I hope to get another chapter out soon . If you have any ideas for this story please comment, I would like to know!


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