ten (finale)

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This chapter is the long awaited finale of Dared. I know that my updates have been kind of...all over the place, but with this quarantine I've been trying to piece together my life as good as I physically can right now. I'm still working, apparently gas stations are essential, but I have some good news as well. This fall I'll be going back to school in the Fargo-Moorhead area. I'm looking forward to writing as much as I can between now and August 20, 2020. 

With that being said, enjoy the finale of DARED. Also I think this is the longest chapter in the entire book.




     The dance had snuck up on everyone a lot faster than anticipated. It seemed like just yesterday that Harry had been dared to talk to his crush. Not that it had been all that long ago in the first place, it had only been two months. Due to setbacks and pushbacks, the game had been rescheduled and so had the dance. Harry still got to play in his senior homecoming game with his biggest cheerleader by his side. Draco got to wear Harry's away jersey while Harry sported the home one. The win was something that everyone saw coming. Harry played as hard as he physically could because he knew Draco was there to watch with pride. It ended with a 41-7 score and the dance was just a day away.

     That Saturday morning, Draco had spent the night at Hermione's. Even though he was very obviously not straight, her parents made Draco stay in the guest room. He didn't mind all too much. He was happy to have a friend to help him to get ready.

     "So...what first?" Draco sat awkwardly on the edge of Hermione's bed that morning after breakfast. "What do you normally do before a dance?"

     "Well...I normally have a hair appointment, but I decided to do it myself this year. Since I have you to keep me company while we get ready." She smiled. Draco chuckled. "Stupid question, I'm sure, but I have some makeup over there if you've ever thought about using any?"

     "Actually, I-" Draco paused. He wasn't sure if he was ready for anyone to know of this side of him, but he knew he could trust Hermione. "I could do your makeup if you like? I'll do something for myself after." Hermione shrugged as she began to get comfortable in her desk chair. She showed Draco her makeup and allowed him to do what he wished.

     It didn't take much, Hermione was already beautiful. He swept a nude eyeshadow across her lids and did her eyeliner in a soft wing. A subtle nude lip with a pink-tinted gloss. That's all that was needed to tie her look together.

     As for himself, however, he had a different plan entirely. He looked through Hermione's makeup collection to piece together the perfect look for himself. He swept a silver pigment across his own lids and a neat wing. His skin, being naturally clear like Hermione's, didn't need foundation or concealer. He used a translucent powder to get rid of the natural sheen his face usually held. He smiled, proud of himself, but still applied a soft clear-gloss to his lips.

     "What do you think?" He was nervous. He'd never done makeup in front of others before. Hermione took her hand and placed it on Draco's chin, using her hand to move his head around so she could inspect. "Is it awful? It's awful, right." She shook her head, smiling. She took her hand off and grinned.

     "It looks amazing. I love it. And I love how you did mine. You're going to have to teach me how you do such a perfect wing on the first try. It takes me at least three to get matching wings." She gushed. Draco blushed, smiling softly.

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