Chapter 1 Explanantions

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Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley stepped out of the Headmaster's office. None of them spoke as they watched the stone gargoyle slide back into place. Harry had just finished explaining why he had ended up in the Forbidden Forest earlier that evening to the other two. After all they had been through together, Harry had left nothing out.

He explained how his mother, then Lily Evans, had grown up with Severus Snape. How Snape had loved his mother and was heartbroken when she became Lily Potter after marrying his father, James Potter. Both friends were outraged when Harry told them of how Snape had heard of the prophesy and then relayed it to Voldemort. They were astounded upon learning that it was Snape who informed Dumbledore that Voldemort was after the Potters. Ron and Hermione were even more astounded when Harry told them that Snape was truly working for Dumbledore and someone whom they could trust. But when Harry told them the last thing he learned from Snape's memories, both stared at him in stunned silence.

Hermione turned towards Ron, who wrapped her in his arms, when Harry told them how he walked calmly into the Forest when he learned that he was a Horcrux. It took him several attempts to explain what happened when Harry discovered the Resurrection Stone in the snitch that Dumbledore had given him. By this time, Hermione was sobbing quietly in Ron's shoulder as tears streamed silently down his cheeks. Harry paused for a moment to remember what his parents had told him when they appeared. When he continued, his voice was no more than a whisper. Hermione could no longer keep her sorrow for her best friend silent as Harry explained how he walked calmly into the clearing where Voldemort and his followers were gathered, wandless and defenseless.

Ron tightened his grip on Hermione as Harry paused once again in his story of the past few hours. Harry stepped closer to where his two best friends stood and placed a comforting hand on each of their shoulders. Harry looked into Ron's eyes and a wordless conversation passed between them. Harry stepped back and as he continued with his story, he could picture clearly how Voldemort pointed his wand at Harry's chest and uttered the words for the Killing Curse. He remembered the pain in his chest as the curse struck him squarely in the chest, and then, feeling nothing.

Harry paused to collect his thoughts on the events that happened after Voldemort struck him with the Killing Curse. Ron and Hermione clung to each other more tightly as they waited for Harry to continue. It took a few moments for Ron and Hermione to calm down enough to realize that it had been quite some time since Harry stopped talking. Hermione pulled away from Ron's supporting embrace and placed a hand on Harry's arm.

"Harry?" Hermione asked.

Harry turned and faced the girl that was more sister than friend. "I'm fine," he said, smiling slightly. He took Hermione's hand as she reached out with the other towards Ron. Looking at his two friends, Harry found the strength to finish. Ron and Hermione stared at Harry as he recounted the conversation that he and Dumbledore shared after Harry was hit with the curse. When he came to the part where he asked whether or not it was all in his head, Ron smirked down at Hermione and muttered, "absolute nutter". All three snickered for a few moments. When they had quieted down, Harry continued, telling them how, when he came to, he realized that Voldemort had apparently collapsed when Harry fell. Hermione and Ron looked at each other disbelievingly when Harry told them how Narcissa Malfoy lied to Voldemort about Harry being dead, but said nothing so Harry could finish telling them how Hagrid was forced to carry him to the castle.

Harry looked at two of the most important people in his life and said, "And you know the rest." He turned away from them and looked up at the portrait of the man he had considered to be a mentor and friend. Harry was disappointed to see that Dumbledore was snoring lightly in his frame, he would have liked to discuss more with him about what happened the past year. Wordlessly, Harry turned and began walking towards the door, Ron and Hermione following closely behind.

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