Chap. 01|New Girl|

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"Now, kids. My best friend from high school is coming back. And I want you four to be nice and show her daughter around." Anne told her four kids.

"Really? Mom, you want us to be tour guides to a girl we don't even know?" Dawn asked.

"Exactly." Anne told them.

"What if she doesn't like us?" asked Ricky.

"What if we don't like her?" asked Dicky.

The Quads had been told about Anne's old friend, Cassidy (otherwise known as Cassie), and her daughter, [Y/N], for the past hour. Apparently, the two were moving back to Boulderly Hills, Colorado after Cassidy and her now ex-husband's divorce was finalized. And the Quads didn't want to be forced go be friends with the new girl who would also be at Boulder Academy. Who was also the daughter of the best friend of their mothet.

"I don't care." Anne told them. "You're doing it. Now-."

"Annie!" A shrill female voice exclaimed.

"Cassie!" Anne exclaimed and turned to see the [H/C] haired woman.

The two grown woman ran to one another and embraced one another in a hug. "Where's [Y/N]?"

Anne had heard so much about Cassie's daughter that was the Quads age, but she never met the girl. She's only heard about her from Cassie's Facebook posts. Sure, she had seen pictures of her to know what she looked like, but she had no idea what her personality was. Whether it clashed with her kids or fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces with the Quads. Cassie, pointed to the doors of Tom's Get Sporty to reveal a girl wearing a star wars sweatshirt, jeans, and black vans. Her phone was up to her face as she killed the virtual zombies of Tom's Get Sporty. The girl raised her head from her phone and walked into the sporting goods store.

"This is my pride and joy, [Y/N]." The girk chuckled as her mother praised her. "[Y/N], this is my best friend, Chantell, but we all call her Anne."

"Hi." [Y/N] gave a nervous wave at her.

"Oh, well, would you like to meet my kids? Kids! Over here!" Anne called for the quadruplets.

The Quads walked over to their mom, and the boys stopped and stared at the nerd girl. The girl looked down at her phone and a nervous giggle left her mouth.

"Boys." Ricky said and the three boys formed a trio huddle.

"What is that about?" Cassie pointed to the boys.

"Don't worry about it. It's probably something stupid. Hi, I'm Dawn, the mature one." Dawn held her hand out.

"This is [Y/N]. She's a tad shy around new people. Completely unlike her gregarious mother." Cassie told Dawn.

"Mom wants me and my brothers to show her around for her first couple of days." Dawn explained.

A few feet away from the four females, the three brothers of the Harper quads were in a huddle talking about the girl. The girl they all thought was cute.

"Okay, who gets her?" Ricky asked.

"Let her have a swing at the Dicky." Dicky smirked.

"No! I'm tired of you two getting the girls! I want a swing at one. At least once." Nicky whispered harshly at his older brothers.

"Really? Do you even think she'll like you in the end?" asked Ricky.

"I have more of a shot than you do!" Nicky fired back.

"Fine." Ricky caved.


"No time for arguing! She's Nicky's! Got it!" Ricky cut off Dicky and sent him a look.

They weren't (well Ricky wasn't) going to let Nicky have the pretty girl. And Ricky was already working on a ploy to get her on the R-Man train. Sure, he woukd tell Dicky about his plan to keep her away from Nicky. When the train comes to the station, she'll get on the R Train. Not the Nicky Coaster. Or the Dicky cruiser. But he wasn't going to tell Dicky that.

"Wonderful!" Nicky smirked before the boys walked over to the girl and their sister.

"And these are my idiot brothers." Dawn told the girl.

"Hey!" The boys chorused before loooking at the girl.

"I'm Nicky." Nicky held out his hand to the girl.

The girl just looked at the hand and blinked at it. Dicky and Ricky chuckled softly to themselves as they shared a look.

"Sorry, Nicky. She's a tad shy." Cassidy told him. He just nodded at her.

"I'm sure they can change that." Anne told her.

"Anyway, this is [Y/N]." explained Cassidy.

"I'm Ricky." Ricky told her. She waved again.

"And I'm Dicky." [Y/N] waved her hand at the boy with the long hair.

"Well, now that you all have met. I hope it'll make things easier for you when you start Boulder Academy tomorrow." Anne told them.

The five teens just nodded their heads at them.


[Y/N] stood in the cafeteria staring at the tables of people. Tables of people who already knew one another. People who wouldn't let her into their clique. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. I guess I'll just eat out in the hall and video chat with Harley. She started to walk out of the cafeteria when she was stopped by a familiar face.

"Hey, [Y/N]." Nicholas Harper said to her. She just gave him a nod of acknowkedgement. "Come and sit with me and my friends at our table."

"I... uh... was going to eat... outside... in the hall. My... uh... friend from [hometown] probably wants to see how I am, so..." she whispered to herself, but he still heard her

"No. No. Come sit with me and my friends. I'm sure once you made friends, you'll open up. So you won't be dubbed the new girl forever." Nicky told her.

She nodded at him and he lead her away to the table that he was at. Along with his sister and brothers. A girl sent them a look. "Since when do you know the new girl?"

"Our moms knew each other in high school. This is [Y/N]. [Y/N], this is Mae, Miles, Natlee, Mac, Avery, Trey, Sadie, Dooley, Brianna, Kipper, Brooklyn and June." Dawn explained and introduced the girl to their friends. "You wanna sit down?"

All [Y/N] did was take a seat inbetween Mae and Avery before pulling out her phone to see the text from Harley.

Hope your okay.
We miss you here.
My mom especially.
Hopefully you're not cheating on the nerdsquad with new friends.

It's not cheating if I don't have any friends here anyway.

"Who you texting?" asked Mae.

"Probably her boyfriend." Avery said with her lisp.

"No." she shook her head. "No boyfriend here. Just the only friend I've ever had."

"Hopefully, we can change that." Sadie chirped.

WC: 1, 136.

𝙎𝙖𝙛𝙚𝙩𝙮 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩―𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now