It's time!

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It's time to get it out of the box!

The three poems which will be featured on social media are...


My mind makes up scenarios, 
Scenes that remain in dreams, 
Stored in a corner of my mind, 
A fragment of my vivd imagination. 

What if and I wish, the start
As if, the end of every sentence. 
Blurry visions and silent cries, 
Drowned in the infamous insights. 

There are pains we all endure, 
Suffer through it all yet smile. 
Sometimes that's all we can do
Because in end you'll be just fine.


When the bright light dims
out comes the creations who cry
for the battles long lost.

With bitter words and salty tears
a power that destroys within
they keep alive the fading memories.

They roam around alleys so dark
that the living despise
the stench of old dusty stories
keeping me up all night.

Papyrus fly into a boiling pot
making a concoction so feared
for not them it is made
but for me.

The memories play like
scenes I dread to see
that make my blood rush

It is no creature that haunts  me
But my very own thoughts
That appear as my living nightmare...


I could stop no more,
I was spiralling out of control,
I could scream in agony, cry in pain,
But all I did was stare ahead.
I was falling fast,
Into an endless dark pit,
Bound by chains of iron and steel,
Rendering me dull and numb,
But all I did was waste away.
This darkness was too stubborn,
Tightening the chains around my body,
It fed on the weak, and weak I was then,
So I broke all over again.
All I wanted to see,
Was the fire in my eyes,
So I built my energy,
With the thoughts of what I could do,
If I ever just let go of these dark thoughts.
They say,” what you see is what you get”,
But beauty lies in the eye of the beholder,
It’s perception that matters,
So I looked in the mirror,
And what I saw changed it all,
For in those eyes that were endlessly dark,
I saw the remains of a leader,
The resilience of a survivor,
The innocence of a child,
The fierceness of a tiger.
I could go on and on,
Till I’ve spoken of every person,
On this planet Earth,
‘Cause all I did was bear through it all,
All I did was burst my safe bubble,
Surround myself with unfamiliar things,
Not to distract but to enthral,
And for the first time I felt ,
Fascination, at the simple thought,
That I would never be the same again,
‘Cause this  new person would not endure it all,
This survivor would fight till the last breath,
For  I had a purpose in this world ,
Not that of submitting to the darkness,
Not that of hiding in a box,
But that of bringing the light,
To my whole world.
That was when I realised,
The true meaning of the words,
“Sometimes we are taken into troubled waters,
Not to drown ; but to be cleansed.”


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