Chapter 1- Heart Beat

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First Chapter! I hope you like it,sir! /says it in Chuutaro's Voice >//w//< <3 

And Yes Mayoi's personality is a little bit of a Tsundere, so i hope you like it! ^^~

Enjoy and Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I dont Own Donten Ni Warau.


 Mayoi's POV

It was a sunny day at the Cloud Shrine,The Sun was smiling it's way to the ground to give a shed of light to the Place,Leaves falling down dancing to the sound of the wind,Birds chirping, Sound of cicadas from afar, And some few worshippers to visit and pray at the shrine, you could say it was perfect not until 3 noisy brats came running around.

And those 3 brats were none other than the Kumoh Brothers.

"Catch me if you can,Soramaru and Chuutaro!" The Childish Older brother,Tenka said in an annoying tone, Good enough to annoy the hot headed tempered boy Soramaru.

"Aniki! Stop Running!" shouted Soramaru

"Pft. Hot Headed as always eh?" Tenka ran as fast as he could and so was Soramaru.. 

Are they having a race to see which of them wins the Stupidity Award?  I blew a couple of hair that was hanging infront of my face, and i continued to sweep the ground.

"Wait for meeee,sir!!" Came rushing in the genki youngest brother trying to match the speed with his older brothers.

Sighing,I heard the people who came to worship at the shrine,saying things like..

"The Kumoh Brothers are cheerful as ever,nee~"

"Its good to see them smile,once in a while"

"Ara Ara, They're so energetic as ever"

"I wanna be like Tenka-nii chan when I Grow Up!"

I took a quick glance at the Cheery Brothers with a smile on my face,I looked up to the sky embracing the warm light of sunshine.

Even at this time and era that Japan was at the final years of the Edo Period and people were embracing the Japanese Westernization movement.

Swords were prohibited.

It was a world that the sword prohibitition was put into the effect.

And in this era, Samurai's doesn't exist any longer.

However, There were some who were dissatisfied with the rapidly changing of Japan.

But i still believe, That there is something that i can do. Maybe not Now.. but Soon.

Oh, I still haven't introduced myself haven't I? I'm Shiroki Mayoi, well you could say that I'm the Guardian of the Kumoh Family. 

I'm not blood related to any of the Kumoh's but I was appointed to be the Guardian at a very young age. Ever since then, I was serving them almost all my life. The memories on how i even got here are still a blur to me, but hopefully someday i can remember and all the questions in my head will finally be answered.

"Mayoi-chaaaan!" i opened my eyes and saw Tenka rushing to my side and quickly hide himself at my back. 

"O-Oy! Baka! What are you doing!?" i tried to push him away from me but it was no use. This man is as strong as the concrete wall! 

"Ehhh? Baka!? Hidoii Mayoiii~ I was just hiding myself from my brothers,y'know." He pouted his lips and acted cutey poowey all over me. UGH THIS MAN. I rolled my eyes at him.

(T/N: Hidoi - Mean ; Baka - Idiot)

"If you have time to play around, Then why dont you find yourself a job!?" I kicked him as much as i can. "We're running out of food,damnit!" i clenched my fist and i was having this unexplainable aura

Tenka gulped and dropped a sweat "W-Wakatta wa yoo~ So C-Calmn down,okay? Ne?" He smiled and then patted my shoulder to help me calm down. 

I then heard a slow clap somewhere "As expected from Mayoi-nee chan,sir!" He ran towards us and i gave him a pat in the head. 

"Good Boy, Good Boy!"  I kneeled down so i can talk to him level to level "Listen,Chuutaro never ever immitate your Baka Aniki okay? Because He's a no for good man, You got me?" i continued, and with a quick glance at Tenka, i gave him an evil grin.

Chuutaro gave me a salute and smiled widely "Yes,sir!"

"Oy Chuutaro How dare you betray me?! Your Aniki!?" and once again, Tenka was giving us those cute pout.

Wait, Did i just said cute!?  

"Maa~ Maa~  Enough with all the blabbering since Lunch is ready." A man wearing a purple Hakama over a white Kimono, and he has a hair that is as white as snow, A pair of calm,kind purple eyes said to us.

"S-Shirasu-san! I'm sorry i wasn't able to help you making the lunch." I bowed apolgetically. Tch.

If it wasn't for Tenka then by now i should have made my chores in the Kitchen.

"Iya Iya, It was perfectly fine, I could handle it by myself, and beside i know your pretty busy cleaning." Finishing his sentence,he gave me a smile and patted my head.

....Did my heart just skipped a beat...?

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