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Start bij het begin

          Rain's head lolled over so she could look at Robin straight-on. She smiled a little. "Thanks, Robs. Really. You're a lifesaver." Robin just smiled back, concern and affection tugging at the edges of her expression.

          She reached her hand out to Rain. "Come on, I'll take you home."

          Rolling her eyes playfully, Rain grasped Robin's hand and let the taller girl pull her away from the wall. Rain's glittery roller-skates were shoved into her backpack, she began to pull them out as they walked through the empty corridors once again, until the two reached the large double doors and the cold, open air. Some hidden part deep inside Rain hoped this would be a regular occurrence. "I'm serious, Robs," she said gently. "Thank you." The smile on her face was sweet and soft, framed by her kinky hair. The wind brushed gently through it.

          Robin just smiled back, letting go of Rain's hand as she stepped back to unlock her bike, "I told you, it's no problem. You're welcome over any time, trust me." Rain's lips tipped up higher at the edges at that.

          Robin got onto her bicycle, strapping her white helmet over her head. Rain did the same with her sparkly one, clicking the strap beneath her pointed chin and slipping the last of her roller-skates on. Sure, skating everywhere was a bit inconvenient, but it allowed her to glide along with her Walkman headphones over her ears blasting Tears for Fears, while being equally fun. She pushed herself up masterfully and was skating after Robin as soon as the girl had begun to ride.

          "Don't leave me behind," warned Rainbow, but did a pretty good job at keeping up with Robin's bike, down the empty, dark streets of Hawkins, Indiana. It was still warm out, though the sun had set, and Rain tossed out her bare arms to take it all in. Even with her parents, even in being stuck in such a dead-end town as this one, this... felt good. Robin laughed at her antics.

          "You and your roller-skates," quipped Robin as the both of them rode down the centre of the empty streets. If a car had come around the corner then, it would've undoubtedly hit them.

          "Don't be so full of yourself," grinned Rainbow, "I could outskate you any day." She'd slipped on her wrist braces just in case—Rain'd broken her wrist once as a kid doing the same thing, she wasn't risking it again—and wiggled her glittery helmet to make sure it was fully adjusted.

          "I bet you could, Princess, but I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself trying." Rain squinted back at the playful comment, bits of the streetlamp light flickering over her face.

          "Hurt myself?" exclaimed Rain with a half-glare half-astonished expression, her mouth falling open. "As if I would hurt myself racing you. Watch yourself, Buckley, you might find yourself riding into a tree." She kept up with the girl calmly, her skates gliding along the uneven ground, though she knew Robin was also riding slower for her. "Hey, we should do those stunts in movies where you give me a rope and cycle as fast as you can, and I get tugged along behind." She grinned as her own hair whipped her in the face.

           Robs brushed some hair out of her eyes with a shining grin. "We should do that with Steve's car."

          "I am not skiing along behind the back of Steve's death trap of a car—he'd literally kill me!" Rain argued wildly. "I mean, number one he's an awful parker, I can only imagine how terribly he drives. Two, a car and a bicycle are two very different things. I mean, the worst I happen with you is I break some bones. Whatever—it's been done before." She held up her right arm as proof. "Steve's car would literally kill me. You know what, Billy Hargrove would probably swerve to hit me if he saw that."

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ā° Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 20, 2020 ā°

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