The Face of Evil

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Once the group was all together, we decided to climb the rest of Infinity Mountain. Unfortunately, when we got there, we realized that we were on a small island with no way out. From all the climbing, it was best for us to take a break. I noticed Tai was looking through his telescope and repeatedly gazed down. He was drawing a map of the island, if you can even call it that. There were just a bunch of squiggles and pencil scratches.

"Tai," Naomi glanced over his shoulder, trying to hold back a laugh. "Boi, my dude, child....what is that?"

"It's a map, obviously!"

"No question, man. You are dude of doodles." I commented.

"If you read that map, it'll lead you to a headache." Sora added.

"Well, I can read it just fine and that's all that matters!"

"Tai-*snort*...stop lying to yourself."

The conversations were cut when we heard a rumble by the edge. We check it out and there's a lion-like digimon across from us. Our digimon tried to assure us that this Leomon was a friend than a foe. That seemed to be a lie when he said he wanted to destroy us. The dude pulled out a blade and flew straight for us! That was our cue to run. As a way to slow him down, Agumon used his pepper breath to attack. We thought he lost him for good, suddenly, a green ogre digimon blocks our way. He didn't seem like a friend either. We're now caught between two digimon who both have an urge to kill us.

"But, Leomon has always been Ogremon's worst enemy! What's happened to him?" Biyomon questioned.

I honestly don't have an answer for that, for sure. If that's so, was he probably hit by a black gear? Leomon and Ogre were about to rip us apart when our digimon thankfully digivolved. Greymon, Garurumon, and Togemon went against Leomon. And Birdramon, Kabuterimon, and Ikkakumon against Ogremon. Expecting a big fight, I quickly grabbed T.K. and brought him behind a boulder.

As they were fighting, an avalanche suddenly triggered above us. Luckily, our digimon blew up the boulders and our safety was ensured.

"Everybody okay?" Asked Tai.

"Yeah, like a day at the beach." I say sarcastically.

Looking at our digital friends, they were already back to their rookie forms. Probably from their exhaustion. We even noticed that the bad guys have disappeared too, nowhere in sight. None us were sure if they fell of the cliff or just fled. We put that thought aside as we walk back down the mountain.

"I'm intrigued that our digimon were able to digivolved twice in one day." Izzy enlightened.

"It was sure lucky for us that they able to do it," Tai commented.

"I think the digimon are growing stronger. I wonder if that's part of their evolution or we're bringing out something within them?" Sore thought and Izzy agreed.

"I think today was too much for them." I suggested. "It's pretty obvious that they're worn out. They need a rest."

"Honestly, I think that would be a good idea for all of us," admitted Joe.

"Yeah, but where?" Shrugged Naomi,"I'm sure none of us want to sleep on the ground again."


The words were taken right out of my mouth the moment Joe spotted a mansion in the small distance. The group sprint towards the building and it seemed too good to be true. As we stepped inside, we assumed there to be people, but no one was there. Of course, as nice this place looked, we half of us were still sceptical about this. However, Joe had a point about lucky roof above our heads.

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