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A/N: Wowweee what a doosey...I finally got time to myself to work on part two i am hoping to replicate the personalities of the turtles from another writer named TheAnomoly98 and their story The Girl and The Ghost. It is a very good read very entertaining, unfortunately it was last updated two years ago.. i think they lost interest bbut it was sooo good :(

Authors POV:

The turtles surrounded you looking at your unconcious body "Well that's great, now what're we supposed to do now? Leave her out here to bleed out?" exclaimed a the red clad turtle. "No", grumbled the purple one "I specificly shot her in those areas to keep her from running away they aren't fatal..I didn't anticipate for her to hit her head so hard on the ground though". "Let's take her home we can't leave a cutie like this out here I vote we take her home", overly flirtatiously states a turtle. They take you back to their crib.

(Time Skip)

You wake up on a cold metal table, your leg is aching, "Where am I?.." you mumble to yourself.."At my crib!" exclaims an overly excited turtle in blue. "WOahHH hang on what the fuck?!" you try to back up but end up falling onto the equally cold floor..Why is it so cold?  You look down to see that you're pantless and that your leg is bleeding. "Swift! You scared her! Great and you made her pop a stitch.." grunts the red clad turtle, he helps you back onto the table. "Who are you?..A-and give me back my pants!" a purple clad turtle walks up to you with a medical needle and stitching thread "Hey don't touch me-" you grab his wrist and you suddenly feel something cool on the center of you head it takes you a little too long to register that you're sitting on the wrong side of a gun. "Wanna get a third gun wound?" you shake your head slowly eyes fixed on the let go of the turtle's arm. "Wait a third? Who shot me?" you look around the room "Our friendly neighborhood gun expert did" chirped the turtle with an orange mask, "You saw us and we had to make sure you didn't talk about it" he added. "SO YOU FUCKING SHOT ME??" you yelped. "Shut up so I can finish this" snapped the purple one. You looked at him his face was mostly covered, he had a beanie pulled down real low and a vest with a high collar going over his mouth. "Listen I won't tell anyone, swear. I just want to go home." the one they called Swift pipes up, "Sorry tuts that's not happening, you see we've patched you up with our precious medical equiptment and have taken up the time of our lovely doctor here not once, but twice. You owe us." You gasp lightly  "I don't have anything, take me home, please." "Reeelax girly we're not in need in money. You're gonna start working for us-" you immediately think they're gonna pimp you out you blush lightly becoming angry. "Ah don't worry, nothing like that, that would be a waste" you frown what's that supposed to mean, you think to yourself. "But until then you're staying here.." "WHAT?" you say a little too loud "You can't keep me here I have rights!" the orange one chuckles "No here you don't, get comfy lady." the purple one finishes up your legs and sets down some crutches against the table. "Since you'll be staying here we might as well introduce ourselves, I'm swift, the one in orange is M.C." "THAT STANDS FOR MASTER OF CHAOS" yelled the orange turtle adjusting his hat, Swift continues, "This angry fella is Rebel" Swift puts his arm over Rebel's shoulder. Rebel frowns, "Great someone else to clean up after." "AAAAAND this motor mouth is Ghost." You look at Ghost he rolls his eyes and sits at a desk across the room with a gun on the table he seems to be fixing it. M.C. puts his hand covering the side of his mouth and whispers next to your ear "Get it? It's funny because he doesn't talk much" "Yeah I got it." Swift slings you over his shoulder "Hey where are we going?" you exclaim. "Upstairs so I can keep an eye on you better beautiful" Swift coos "You coming Ghost?" from his desk Ghost keeps working on his gun. You take it that he won't be following.

(Time skip again..Now it's nighttime :))

Rebel yawns, "Hey what are we gonna do about her sleeping arrangement?" "(y/n)" you say calmly "What?" Rebel snaps. "(y/n), my name is (y/n)" "Oh okay, well what are we gonna do about (y/n)'s sleeping arrangement we don't have any extra beds" Rebel says in a cool voice. "She can always sleep in one of our rooms.. Hey (y/n) wanna be roomies?" shouts M.C. from the kitchen. "OOooh no way I wanr her to stay with me!" Swift says, he looks at you like you're food. That seems like an uncomfortable living arrangement, you think about taking up M.C.'s offer but sleeping in the same room with someone who's name stands for Master of Chaos does not sound like a bad idea. You look at Rebel, he snarls at you ..Guess not him. "The quiet one, Ghost..I wanna stay with him." you say. "Well go tell him he's still down in the armory. Oh and sweetheart" Swift makes a pouty face "If you change your mind about staying with me don't hesitate to ask." You pick up your crutches and make your way over to the hallway staircase that leads to Ghost's armory. You look down the stairs then at your crutches you think to yourself about how the hell you're gonna get down these steps..You sit down and scoot your way down the steps. You see Ghost still at his desk but this time with a different gun. "Um, hey Ghost? Swift says we're roomies now..well I mean I chose but haha well..." he doesn't look up..You awkwardly chuckle, you move your way over to a locker full of guns "Whoa.." you say softly as you reach up to touch it the thought of escape flashes in your mind. A hand grabs you by the wrist and slams you up against the wall. It's Ghost and he doesn't look happy.."Do not touch anything" he let's go and starts walking back to his desk "Is it even loaded?" you say with a slight attitude..your eyes widen and you put your hand over your mouth. Ghost stopped dead in his tracks and turns side ways to look at you. His face is calm but something inside of your head is screaming you know you messed up. He starts walking back towards you "Hey uh, I didn't mean anything by that.. I kinda just say stuff without thinking" you say panic in your voice. He grabs you by the shoulder bringing you close to him, he leans down to look at you. "Do you actually think I'd leave a loaded gun lying around in my home with my family while we're keeping a stranger here?" "N-no I didn-" you try say, his eyes are burning through you "I'm keeping an eye on you don't think of trying anything because the moment you," he presses the gun he keeps on him to the side of your temple "I will not hesitate to stop you from hurting me or my brothers." He lets you go and goes to sit back at his desk. You still at the wall heart still pounding, you hobble back over to the staircase to take Swift up on his offer.."There's a blanket over by the wall with your pants" you look over to where he's talking about. Does he really want me to stay? "Go." he says not stopping to look at you. You jump slightly and hurry to your piece of floor. "Um, could I have a pillow and maybe an extra blanket?" Ghost shoots a glare at you. "Ahhh no it's cool I actually like cold floor and I could probably just use my pants as a pillow..Bloody pant pillow is cool you know? It's actually super in right now." you quickly lie down on your stomach and try to sleep. Ghost rolls his eyes She's not so bad I guess..she seems like a clutz. Still I should keep an eye on her, he thinks as he gets back to work.

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