"I don't understand!" You whined, "I don't even like his music... that upbeat crap gives me such a headache." You stated, clinging onto the seatbelt for dear life.

"Then listen to the slower songs." Brenna glanced back at you from the driver's seat, her straight light brown hair swaying with her movement. Her green eyes were dull, and she obviously didn't get much sleep the previous night. She tends to not sleep when she's excited, which is something you'd noticed long ago.

"I'm so EXCITED! What if I meet Griffin, and we fall in love, and we get married, and he writes songs about me- and- and- EEEE!" Simone squealed her signature squeal, earning a groan from you and Brenna.

"Let's be real here, Simone," Brenna started, "If Griffin were to fall in love with anybody, it'd be (Name). I heard he likes actually pretty girls." The girl in the driver's seat snickered, while the girl in the passenger's seat huffed.

"It's my birthday, you should be nicer to me!" Simone pouted, crossing her arms childishly.

"I'm driving you to this concert, am I not?" Brenna argued, a smirk planted plainly on her lips. The smirk disappeared when the car came to a screeching halt. "We're here." 

You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw the concert hall in all of it's glory. The place stood tall, and looked more like a castle than a concert hall. It was red, gold, white, and every color in between; it was beautiful.

"Are you sure you didn't drive to the Buckingham Palace...?" Simone looked up at the building, eyes sparkling in awe like a puppy. You wouldn't lie; Simone was right.

"Buckingham Palace is in London, stupid. This is Lovegood Concert Hall. Very creative naming," Brenna deadpanned, "Not." The two girls in the front getting out of the car indicated for you to do the same. Boy, did Brenna's dirty old CRV look out of place near that palace. Nearly all of the other cars were Lamborghinis, Corvettes, and Ferraris, and... is that a limousine pulling up over there? 

"I'm. So. EXCITED!" Simone shouted.

"We know, Simone. It's not like you've said it five-thousand times already." You muttered, barely reaching Simone's ears, who huffed like she's some kind of anime character.

"Alright, you two," Brenna intervened, "would you like to go in or not?" You muttered a small "no" while Simone instantly lit up, rushing out of the car and twirling like she was in a chick flick.

"Simone," you deadpanned, "you're not in some kind of musical. Don't embarrass yourself." After you said this, Simone gasped and Brenna rolled her eyes.

"Gosh, someone is in a bad mood.." Simone stated the obvious.

"No shit, Sherlock." You responded, crossing your arms and eventually beginning to head inside.

"Wait up, (Nameeeee)!" Simone shrieked, running close behind before she finally caught up.

"You bought these tickets, Simone. You might as well hurry your ass up and get it over with." You kept walking, not even bothering to glance at your friends.

"Welcome welcome, lovely ladies!" A man at the desk at the concert hall clasped his hands together. Simone smiled brightly, Brenna smiled softly, and you tried your best to look somewhat impressed. "I take it you are here for the Griffin Price concert?"

"Well, what else would we be here for-" you were cut off by Brenna elbowing you in the stomach. Hard. Simone nodded excitedly, handing the man the three tickets. He then pointed to a door, which could only be assumed to be the auditorium.

Great. So the concert was mere minutes away. There was no escaping. Unless...

"Hey guys, I need to... use the restroom." You smiled, turning on your heels and ignoring Simone, who repeatedly called after you.

Mr. Heart Eyes (M!Yandere x F!Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now