"It's fun gettin' wha'ever you w'nt also livin' a life full of d'nger not havin' to a'k wh're to go and who ta meet pretty m'ch" Wild said shrugging pulling out a tablet from his bag joker had gotten him for his birthday and a drone having it fly ahead of them to see what's up there before going any further

"H'y P'ter do ya k'ow how ta use a gun" Wild asked Peter nodded Card handed him one of his guns

"Why do I need this" Peter asked taking it Wild didn't answer just got closer to Harley as possible

"Flagg what are those things" Deadshot asked pointing at something

"You cut and run I'll kill you" Flagg said lowly Wild got his guns ready Harley did the same

that's when things got interesting those things started to attack when Wild used up all his bullets he started to fight with his hands once the enemy gave him an opening he grabbed one of his knives from his shoe and stabbed the creature another came up from behind him the creature managed to get him in the arm he was able to kill this one they just kept coming and coming thankfully Harley had came over to help Deadshot killed the rest of them

"That's how I cut and run" Deadshot said walking over to group of criminals

"Dollface y'ur arm is ble'ding" Quinn said examining the claw mark

"I'm fine" Card said Harley shook her head digging through his bag for a first aid kit and took out some bandages and rubbing alcohol

"This is goin' ta sting a lil 'kay" Harley warned Wild nodded and hissed when Quinn rubbed the alcohol on his arm then she began to wrap his wound in bandages

"Wild are you ok" Shuri asked after making sure T'Challa was ok Wild looked up and nodded then put his focus on captain boomerang

"Hey Boomboom l't me se' tha' right qu'ck" Wild called boomerang tossed him what he had and Wild caught the frowned his eyebrows walked over to Captain Boomerang

"What is it Card" Deadshot asked Card pointed to the dead bodies

"T'ese things w're human" He explained the Avengers old and new looked horrified except for Wanda and Natasha

"What" Pepper yelled he shrugged and looked at Flagg

"What's going on Flagg" Deadshot asked Flagg ignored him and kept walking the criminals looked quite offended when ignored

The group continued walking Wild was doing cartwheels when he was done he landed by Harley

"Darlin I'm read' ta le've now" Wild whispered Harley looked at him and wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him closer since he's shorter then her it wasn't awkward

"I k'ow Surga" Harley whispered 

"I reall' want Mr. J r'ght now" Wild Card said Harley nodded in understanding from afar Steve and his group was watching them

"We have to get Tony back and make him see what he's in the wrong" Steve said Clint groaned

"Why would we want stark who happens to be criminal along with a spoiled brat back on the team" Clint argued Wanda nodded in agreement

"Because we need someone to build our gear and we also need the money" Natasha said as she watches Wild Card and Harley torment the criminals but stopped when Killer croc almost lungs at them and they laughed

'And because I love Tony' Steve thought they noticed Shuri and Peter was walking with Deadshot and So Diablo asking a lot of questions

"So after all this is done what you guys going to do" Shuri asked the hit man and gangster raised an eyebrow

I love you (Tony Stark x Joker x Harley Quinn) Marvel and DC crossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora