Prologue (2)

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An: Ugh... I'm sorry if the writing is too fast paced, but I'm trying my best with my limited English. Here the next chapter, hope it's enjoyable :)

'He is here?!' Kaneki thought, slightly panicked. His min went blank. He tried to calm himself down. 'You should be fine, calm down. You look a lot different from what you did back then so he shouldn't recognize you. You're fine. You're fine. Breathe.'

And that's what he did. 'Inhale, exhale...'

After he had collected his thoughts, he tried to figure out what to do next. 'What do I do when it's my turn? Should I say my real name or not? If we ever meet up again after this situation is resolved, telling them a fake name might not be a good idea, or if they look the name up and find out that a person with that name doesn't exist, I could also be in trouble.' Kaneki thought, torn between the two choices. The others continued with the introductions.

"I'm Nishiki Nishio, nice to meet you." He said with a bored voice.

Touka was a little more hesitant. "Touka, Kirishima..."

"Nagachika Hideyoshi, but please, call me Hide!" exclaimed the amber haired boy with a bright smile.

Kaneki came to a decision.

"I am Ken Kaneki, nice to meet you." He said, with his head slightly bowed.

The silence that followed was slightly awkward.

Someone coughed. "Now that everyone's acquainted, let's look around the room for answers." The black-haired investigator, now known as Amon, said. "There must be a reason why we are here."

"Agreed, let's split up." the blonde with the name Akira, said.

"The room beyond the door is just a bedroom, there's probably nothing to find there." Touka told everyone. The fact that there was no apparent way out worried them all, but there was nothing to be done except searching.

Kaneki decided to look around the television. He tried to avoid Hide who he knew probably had a lot of questions for him, but in this room with no escapes, it was pretty hard.

"Kaneki! Mind if I join you?"
Came Hides bright voice from behind him. Kaneki didn't say anything but Hide didn't wait for an answer. They looked around the tv together in silence for a couple of moments, before Hide whispered: "I've always known."

Kaneki's head turned around quickly. He looked at Hide in shock. "What do you mean you've always known?!" He hissed back

"We'll talk more later, after we get out." Hide answered to a shocked Kaneki.

"Fine, we will." Kaneki answered back with an annoyed look on his face as he continued to search. He decided to look under the tv. It was really dusty. After a couple of seconds, he found something.

"I found something; I think it's a DVD-disc." He said, slightly uncertain.

Everyone gathered around him. "It says "play me..." Is there a DVD player here somewhere?"
Kaneki asked, looking around the room.

"Yes, here besides the tv."
Hide answered.

"What are you waiting for? Put it in!" Hide said. It was obvious he was curious.
Which of course to be fair, Kaneki and the others were as well.

"Right." Kaneki answered. He turned on the television, put the disc in, and hit play.

The screen flickered to life. Everyone sat down on the couch and looked at the screen. It was pure white so there was no video, only a voice was heard.
They payed close attention.

"Hi everyone. You're probably wondering what you are doing here, and I will now answer that question for you." The voice said. It sounded like the person was talking trough some type of voice changer. Because of that, there was no way to tell who it was.

"I am... well, I can't really tell you my name, now can I? You can just call me... K, I guess?" The voice sounded slightly uncertain.

"Now, to tell you why I have gathered you here. The main reason is because I want there to be peace between humans and ghouls, I want you to stop killing and understand each other instead."

Everyone started when they felt someone stand up quickly.

"Understand each other?" Akira hissed. "You want us to understand each other!? Why would we want to let them roam free?! Those monsters! They kill people! They have slaughtered hundreds no, thousands of humans with no remorse! They have killed parents and made innocent children become orphans! Why should we make peace with them?!"  She roared, obviously upset.

Her reaction surprised the people in the room, both those who knew her and didn't. She didn't seem like someone who would lose her composure easily. Guess it was a delicate topic for her.

Touka gritted her teeth and tried to not glare. 'You kill families as well. You investigators killed Mrs. Fueguchi and made Hinami lose her only remaining family member, so SHUT UP.'  She thought angrily, wishing to say her thoughts out loud, even though she knew that wasn't a good idea.

"Please, can we hear the person out first?" Hide
asked in a calm voice. "It's not like we can go anywhere anyways, considering the lack of doors leading to the outside." He pointed out.

"Fine, I guess you're right." Akira admitted gudingly and sat back down on the couch. She still didn't look happy though. The voice continued.

"I know not all of you will be happy about that, but it's not like you have any other choice than to listen to me, since I'm the only one who can allow you to go out."

That didn't sit well with the room's occupants. The voice had, unfortunately, a point though.

"You will watch something called 'Tokyo ghoul.'" It shows a person's experiences with both humans and ghouls. I thought that might be a good way for you to understand each other better, to see it from this person's point of view."
"Oh, and just so you know, you won't be able to talk about what you've seen with anyone else once you're outside this room. This is so the ghouls identities won't be in danger."

"How does that work?" Hide asked.

"If any one of you talk, we will now. And I don't recommend doing it because we have taken precautions." "Let's just say it won't be pleasant for you if anyone of you, so don't try it"

Amon stood up angrily. "Does that mean they are and have been watching us?!" He roared.

"Yeah, probably." Nishio answered.

"That really makes me worried..." Shinohara said.

Everyone felt the same way.

"There's not much we can do about that now though." Kaneki said.

Nishio clenched his fist. "Damn, that really pisses me off." He growled.

"Aaand, with that out of the way, let's begin watching."

I know I said they were gonna start watching this chapter, but that didn't happen... Sorry about that :( Not sure how that came to pass, but it is what it is.

See you soon, I hope!

Watching Tokyo Ghoul (but it's the manga)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora