homecoming. part one

Start from the beginning

he was, at least she thought, the more observant of his brothers.

besides his younger-selfs bullying, he was also impossibly arrogant with all the girls in the grade falling for his gracious looks and stupid playboy smile.

she shook the thought away and turned towards him. He seemed deep in thought while awaiting her response.

she chose to respond with, "I never said I hated you" before stalking off in the opposite direction, back towards the crowd.

in her peripheral vision she saw him look all the more confused and what she could assume to be disappointed. She felt sort of bad about it, but pushed it aside.

"Bloss, do you think we should have hot dogs or hamburgers, choose!" Bubbles asked her, the whole group fixing their gazes to her

"why not both?" She asked with a confused stare

she just got silence back before butch broke the silence with his laughter.

"I see why she's the brainiac" Butch chokes out before buttercup hit him upside the head

Bubbles looked flushed before responding with "I guess we could do both.."

Blossom was both amused and confused as to how they didn't think of that sooner, I mean she knew she was generally considered smart but that was just common sense.

The rest of the night went by pretty quickly with talk of the upcoming homecoming dance that Friday, to which she still didn't have a date to go with her.

"Wait, I thought David asked you Bloss?" Bubbles asked in between bites of her hot dog.

"yeah, he did. But I said no" she responded giving her sister a 'duh' look

"Wait why?" She heard Brick ask from next to butch

"well he isn't exactly.. a good talker.." she said awkwardly, trying not to sound pretentious.

"she means he's kinda an idiot" buttercup laughed, before bubbles gasped and started reprimanding her for her words. Oh bubbles, always the sugar of the trio.

By around midnight, everyone had parted ways and the girls chose to fly home, something they still forget they can do from time to time. Blossom found it off that people still freak over the fact that they have powers, even though they've all known the local six superhero's all their lives.

that night, as blossom sat on her windowsill reading, bubbles proposed an interesting topic. Buttercup, was already passed out, having endured an eating competition with butch and being absolutely exhausted.

bubbles came up and sat next to her, brushing out her blonde hair, "did you notice Brick was staring at you all night? What did you do to him?"

Blossom looked up from her book and tilted her head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

Bubbles rolled her eyes, "he was staring at you like you were some enigma or puzzle that he had to figure out" she smiled

"I don't know.. that is rather.. weird of him to do" blossom shrugged

"you don't understand boys do you Bloss?" Bubbles laughed, "he's got a thing for you"

blossom stared mouth agape and hit her with the book in her hands, "no, he does not" she said as bubbles mumbled an ow and rubbed her arm

"he does, I'm calling it now! There's no way he doesn't. A boy doesn't just stare at a girl like that all night and not be interested in her" she said nodding to herself

"Besides, I've been watching you two closely, this isn't the first time I've caught him paying you extra attention" she giggled.

Blossom rolled her eyes, "he does not like me, and if he did he should've just done something about it rather than stared at me" she said focusing her attention back on the book

"okay. Well, whenever he asks you out don't say I told you so" she smirked and walked back over to her bed.

little did Blossom know that somewhere else, another redhead was having a similar conversation with his brothers..


authors note

okay I feel like I should end it here and do a part two.. it's not an unbelievably long chapter but I've got plans for this one-shot-soon-to-be-multiple-shot

also, hi. I just realized how many people have read this and woaaaahh. I didn't think people liked my oneshots as much as they did hehe.

I want to thank everyone for there support, I wouldn't have updated this if it wasn't for y'all, and I promise I read all the comments and such you all leave. Hope you enjoy this chapter during your quarantine/self-isolation and stay inside & safe!!!

if all goes well I'll upload a part two sometime today :))

Blossick Oneshots - Blossom x Brick - PPG x RRBWhere stories live. Discover now