Getting the job!

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         As the android detective took me to the station I asked him what his name was?

"My name is Connor, and I'm an android sent by cyberlife" he replied

"So...there was a help wanted sign outside...I was wondering if I can have the job-"

She was cut off by Hank Anderson, the youngest Lieutenant in Detroit

"That's up to the boss ms..." he said to me

"Matos,Jennavy Marie Matos"

Hank shows me to the boss's office, and hank seems very nice!

So I head in to the boss's office, of course he greets me, in a kind matter

"Are you here because of the help wanted sign?" The boss asked

"Yes, I would like to be a big help in the community"I said to the boss

"What is your abilities? If I may ask." Asked the boss

My abilities:

Can jump far
I was in the track team
I have way to make people talk
I can give advise to people
I can save time from arguments.

"Oh that's very awesome actually! Welcome to the- Wait! Your outfit!" he grabs a police outfit from the closest
"Here you go! Your outfit"

"Oh that's very awesome actually! Welcome to the- Wait! Your outfit!" he grabs a police outfit from the closest"Here you go! Your outfit"

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"Oh thank u! I'll go try it on!"  I said walking out of the office

I spotted Connor and the Lieutenant, so ran to them

"I got in guys! I'm on my way to try this outfit on!" I said in excitement

Hank smiled and said " cool! We should go celebrate after you get your badge!"

Connor claps his hands

"Congratulations ms. Matos! Welcome to the station!" Connor said with a smile

"Aww shucks, the both of you make me so happy" I said blushing from the flattery

A few minutes later, I came out from the bathroom with a bag with my other clothes in it, I have the police uniform on!

"How do I look guys?"

"You look cool jennavy!" Said hank

Connor stood that, he looked amazing

"You look beautiful..." connor said finally getting some words out of his mouth

"Awww s-shucks" I said shyly

The boss came up to us with a Detroit police badge

"Jennavy Marie Matos, you are now known as officer  Matos for now on until you get promoted, we wish you a best in luck on any mission given. do you suddenly swear you'll protect anyone in danger?

The boss asked me in a serious tone.

"I do suddenly swear"  I said in a serious tone as well

"I hereby giving you one of the Detroit police badge until you get promoted" the boss said as he puts the badge on me, and solutes.

The other lieutenants and officers clapped for me

I had some tears bottled up, they're tears of joy

"Thanks guys I'm honored to be working with you guys humans and androids, guys and gals, no matter big or small"

Connor blushes with flattery

An hour later, after the ceremony they are planning a party for me

"Where are we going?" I said with a blindfold on my face

Hank replied with "you'll see officer Matos" he said as he walked me to the direction to the party

"You're silly Lieutenat Anderson" I said laughing

They soon reached to the house, then entered the house

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